
  • falling

    Falling- Megamind is falling in slow motion and begins to talk about how he got there and then says "let's go to the beginning the very beginning."
  • His Story

    His Story
    His Story- We see Megamind as a baby and in the background we hear Megamind's voice. He starts to talk about his childhood and how when his planet was being destroyed he was "8 days old and still living with his parents" and it was time to move on.
  • His story 2

    His story 2
    His story- Now baby Megamind is being transported in his pod and getting thrown around, and sees another baby, he calls "Mr. goody two shoes" and goes on to say their "glorious rivalry was born".
  • His Story 3

    His Story 3
    Still His Story- Baby Megamind's pod is on a course to Earth, to a rich family but "Mr.goody two shoes" knock's Megamind's pod out of course and instead "Mr. goody two shoes" got to go to the rich family and Megamind's pod got knocked into a jail.
  • Childhood

    Childhood- The rich family kept "Mr. goody two shoes" and the jail kept Megamind and the bad guys taught Megamind that wrong is right and right was wrong, that led him to trying to escape but that failed.
  • Childhood 2

    Childhood 2
    Childhood - After being at the jail for a couple of years he got "some time off for good behavior", and got to go to school. When Megamind got to school he could see that "Mr. Goody Two Shoes" had already made an army of students.
  • Childhood 3

    Childhood 3
    Childhood- He wanted to win over the kids he called "mindless drones" but it did not work. He wasn't fitting in, all he had was his minion, no matter what he was "always the odd man out" and then he thought "being bad is the one thing I'm good at" so he decided "if he was going to be the bad boy he was going to be the baddest boy of them all".
  • Childhood/adult

    Childhood/adult- Megamind is now being taken of in the bus and was saying that him and "Mr. goody two shoes" were "destined to be rivals".
  • Metroman

    Metroman- Megamind and "Mr.goody two shoes" who is now gifted the name Metroman because the city is called Metro city. Megamind and Metroman fought for a long time Metroman would win some and Megamind would almost win some.
  • Jail Again

    Jail Again
    Jail Again - He's in jail again, meanwhile Metroman getting honored for being a hero. Megamind gets a watch from Metroman but its actually from Minion and then the warden puts on the watch and later the watch puts a hologram over the warden to look like Megamind. So they put the warden in the jail cell and Megamind breaks out of jail using the special watch.
  • Metroman 2

    Metroman 2
    Metroman - Metroman is talking about his new museum and how he loves his fans, meanwhile Megamind is planning a surprise for Metroman.
  • Metroman 3

    Metroman 3
    Metroman - As Metroman cuts a ribbon a giant drape falls off a big statue of him. A cloud of black smoke rises behind the statue. Megamind pops up on a huge TV screen and reveals that he kidnapped Roxanne Richie.
  • Metroman 4

    Metroman 4
    Metroman- Metroman rushes to save her at the observatory but neither Megamind or Roxanne are there. They are actually at a fake observatory, now Metroman is trapped in the real observatory with Megamind on a screen.
  • The kill

    The kill
    The kill- Metroman and Megamind argue back an forth and then Megamind accidentally blows up the observatory. Metroman's skeleton flies thru the air, landing on the floor in front of Megamind. Everyone is horrified.
  • In charge

    In charge
    In charge- Megamind is now in charge of the city, of Metrocity. Now Megamind feels he needs a hero to battle because he has it all and his bored. Megamind tells himself " Whats the point of bad when there's no good to try and stop you".
  • Bernard

    Bernard- Now Bernard enters the scene. He's a nerdy, average person but it's actually Megamind disguised as him. Megamind now wants to make a hero then train that hero and fight him in a epic battle between the both of them.
  • Hal

    Hal- Megamind meets and turns Hal (who is Roxanne Richi's video guy) into a super hero. He's not a very good hero though and he's in love with Roxanne but she turns him down.
  • Bernard 2

    Bernard 2
    Bernard- Now Megamind who has been pretending to be Bernard is on a date with Roxanne and he accidentally switches the hologram off revealing his true identity. Roxanne gets angry and leaves.
  • The fight begins

    The fight begins
    The fight- Megamind is sad because Roxanne and Minion both left him. Megamind continues with his plan to stage a fight with Hal but he doesn't show up. Megamind goes to his apartment and sees that Hal has been doing bad things and a crazy fight happens.
  • Rampage

    Rampage- Hal is on an evil rampage while Megamind and Roxanne discover that Metroman faked his death and is still alive but he is done being a super hero. Titan/Hal kidnaps Roxanne and now her life is in danger. Megamind saves Roxanne from Hal but it turns out it's actually minion. During Minion's last breaths, Metroman saves the day but it's Megamind disguised as him.
  • The Fight

    The Fight
    The Fight- One last fight between Titon/Hal and Megamind happens, then Megamind gets a hold of the gun that gave Titon his powers and he zaps him taking his super hero powers away. Everyone lives happily ever after.