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Medical Biotechnology Timeline

By MunozJa
  • Dr. James Francis and Dr. Francis Crick reveal first 3-D structure of DNA

    Dr. James Francis and Dr. Francis Crick reveal first 3-D structure of DNA
    This gave a new look on how we look at DNA and how it was built. It helped sceintist in many ways
  • Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine

    Dr. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine
    This was the first application of celll culture technology to generate a vaccine
  • Dr. Arthur Komberg makes the first DNA in a test tube

    Dr. Arthur Komberg makes the first DNA in a test tube
    Dr. Komberg did this in Washington University in St. Louis where he made DNA in a test tube before anyone else
  • French scientist messenger RNA (mRNA)

    French scientist messenger RNA (mRNA)
    This was discovered from the making of DNA to protein
  • Dr. Samuel Kats and Dr. John F. Enders develope the first vaccine for measles

    Dr. Samuel Kats and Dr. John F. Enders develope the first vaccine for measles
    Scientist make the first treatment for measles as many have died from, but this would prevent that from ever happening
  • The existance of reverse transcription was predicted

    The existance of reverse transcription was predicted
    Reverse transcription is the process by which DNA is synthesized from and RNA template by means of the enzyme reverse transciptase
  • Dr. Har Gobind Khorana synthesized the first complete gene

    Dr. Har Gobind Khorana synthesized the first complete gene
    This was basically the first ever made gene done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • The DNA of composition of humans discovered to be 99 percent similar to that of chimpanzees and gorillas.

    The DNA of composition of humans discovered to be 99 percent similar to that of chimpanzees and gorillas.
    This help scientist realize how smart these species are and that now they can possibly use them as a test subject
  • Dr. Stanley Cohen and Dr. Herbert Boyer used bacterial genes to perform the first successful recombinant DNA molecule

    Dr. Stanley Cohen and Dr. Herbert Boyer used bacterial genes to perform the first successful recombinant DNA molecule
    This process was done in a cell for replication
  • The first vaccine for chicken pox was discovered

    The first vaccine for chicken pox was discovered
    This was made in Japan as before people would die from this disease, but no longer with this medicine.