Period: to
Medal of Honors of World War Two
World War Two- Donald Ross
Recieved the Navy Medal of Honor for actions on "The Day of Infamy" while aboard the USS Nevada. -
World War Two- John Bulkeley
He lead his forcess to victory from Dec. 7- April 10, 45-46 destroying many enemy ships and aircraft. He got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Jose Calugas
Jose fought at near Culis, Bataan Provice, Philippine Islands he maned an artillery gun and fird it properly agianst the enemy. For this he recieved the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Robert Galer
Robert Galer recieved the Medal of Honor for his combat in air on air combat over Solomon Island. He was a Marine fighter pilot. -
World War Two- Mitchell Paige
He recieved his Medal for his manning machine guns while all of his conmrades were injured. He then lead a bayonet charge replusig the ememy. He recieved the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Jefferson DeBlanc
He freed dive bombers and blasted many enemy out of the sky. For this he got the Navy Medal. -
World War Two- Jay Zeamer
While on a recon photographing mission, Zeamer's plane came under attack by serveral emeny Zero fighters. Wounded he flew his battered plane 600 miles to safety after destroying 5 enemy planes. For this he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Robert Scott
He single handely took a hill and killed many "Japs" with grenades. Days later his unit took the hill and later the enemy airfield. For this he was awarded with the Army Medal of Honor. -
World Wa Two- Kenneth Walsh
While flying on two occasions ( August 13 & 30) Welsh shot down numerous enemy bomders and fighters. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- James Logan
Logan was attacked on the invasion of Salerno. HEre he captured an enemy officer and soldier and killed a sniper. For this he recieved the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II- William Crawford
He took and destroyed three enemy gun emplacements. He was captured and then released. He got the Army Medal. -
WW II- Ernest Childers
When two enemy snipers jumped him, he killed both. For this he got the Army Medal, for taking a mortar pstion too. -
WW II-Rick O'Kane
He destroyed many enemy vessels. For this he got the Navy Medal. -
WW II- Herbert Schonland
While on the USS San Francisco he was told that he was the commander. He ordered the operation to preserve the ship. He later recieved the NAvy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Jesse Drowley
While saving a wounded man, he jumped onto a tank and directed it toward an enemy pillbox. He caused the destrucion of two pillboxes that day. For this he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Richard Sorenson
While during a Japanese invasion, an enemy hand grenade was thrown into his fox hole. Here with himself included, 6 Marines looked startled. Sorenson then hurled himself upon the grenade. He was awarded the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II-Nathan Gordan
HE commanded a rescue plane while on a mission in front off enemy view. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- William Lawley
After being attacked by German fighters he succesfuly crash landed off the Englich coast. For this he got Army MEdal of Honor. -
WW II -Jack Montgomery
He stormed two enemy postions alone causing seven Germans or Italians to surrender. For this he was awarded theArmy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Edward Michael
While on a bombing run his plane was singled out and riddled with holes. He ordered the crew to leave while he and a bombier stayed aboard. He then crashed landed the plane off England. He got the Army Medal for this. -
WW II- Beryl Newman
HE killed several enemy and serveral others surrendered to him. For this he got Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Walter Ehlers
During fighting from June 9th- 10th Ehlers killed an enemy patrol, took a motor postion and seized an enemy machine gun postion. For this he got the Army Mrdal of Honor. -
World War Two- Carlos Ogden
He fought his way uphill to free his pinned down unit. Destroying most of the postion he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World WAr Two- Donald Pucket
After receiving many hits, Pucket ordered abonded ship. He and three crew members stayed on board. He was last seen trying to gian control of his plane before it crashed into a mountianside. His family later got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Lawson Ramage
While on voyage in the South China Sea, he came upon a tanker convoy. Ordering his men below deck he then fought for forty minutes alone winning the day. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- John Hawk
While dirceting hs men, he prevented the escape of 500 men. He then captured them all. For this he got the Army Medal. -
WW II-Gino Meril
He covered the retreat of many riflemen while under heavy fire. For this he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II-Robert Maxwell
While defending his postion he hurled himself upon an enemy grenade saving the lifes of his comrades. He later got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- John Tominac
While fighting his support tank started to roll down hill towards the enemy. He climbed into the burning hulk and fired anti- aircraft fire until the enemy was forced to retreat. For this he was awarded the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Sherwood Hallman
He jumped into enemy fortifactions the nhe forced sevety five GErmans to surrender. For this he got the Army Medal of Valor. -
WW II- Oscar Johnson
He held a postion for three days when all of his men were either dead or wounded. For this he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Everett Pope
He lead his battered his unit up a hill and held the postion over night. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- James Burt
While fighting near Wurselen, Germany he had two tanks shot out while under his command. He just got into another and continued to lead the assualt. He received the Army Medal of Honor for his action. -
WW II-George Mabry
He cleared a safe path, disableing mines in a minefield, for his men.He later recieved the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II-Robert Nett
He spearheaded an assault with rifle and bayonet. For this he recived the Navy Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Dirk Vlug
With enemy tanks about to over run his roadblack, Vlug took a rocket launcher and took out tank after tank. He was awarded the Army Medal of Valor. -
World War Two- Charles Murray
Murray saw 200 enemy pouring mortor and machine gun fire into an American battalion. He then single handley forced the enemy into retreat. He later got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Jose Lopez
Jose alone took out nearly one hundred German soldiers while freeing up postion for his company. He was later awarded the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Francis Currey
He freaded 7 Americans frim an occupied German house using only rifle fire and grenades. For this he got the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Melvin Bibble
Bibble got the Army Medal of Honor for advancing into a German occupied town and took the town!!! -
World War Two- Paul Widorfer
He recieved his Medal for charging a gun emplacement single handley. He recieved the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Russell Dunham
He advanced alone to take out a machine gun and two enemy surroundered. For this he got the Army Medal. -
World War Two- Nickolas Oresko
After taking out one enemy bunker and then being wouned in the hip, Oresko then moved on refusing evacuation and continued to take out the enemy postions. He later was awarded the Army Medal of Valor. -
WW II-Donald Rudolph
He and his men neutralized eight enemy emplacements. For this on the honor of his men he was rewarded with the Army Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Joseph McCarthy
He and his rifle company charged pillboxes and elminated many enemy soldiers. For this he recieved the Navy Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Hershel Williams
While engaged on the volcanic island of Iwo Jima, Hershel went forward alone and demolished several enemy pillboxes. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Douglas Jacobson
He took out a pillbox, anti- aircraft gun, two machine guns, and a rifle enplacement. For this he got the Navy Medal. -
WW II- Thomas Atkins
HE killed serveral enemy who infaltrated friendly lines after fireing 400 rounds. For this he got the Army Medal. -
World War Two- Franklin Sigler
While charging enemy postions at Iwo Jima he carried 3 comnrades to saftey. -
WW II- Francis Pierce
He save serveral wounded Marines from the ash of Iwo Jima as ac corpmans. For this he got the Navy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Michael Colalillo
He silenced enemy machine guns with a mounted tank gun. For this he got the Army Medal. -
WW II- John Crews
He silenced three enemy postions so his men could advance.FOr his action He got the Army Medal for this. -
World War Two- Desmond Doss
Doss , alone, carried 75 wouned men to friendly lines. He later recieved the Army Medal of Honor. -
World War Two- Robert Bush
Bush pulled many ounded men to saftey while risking his own life under intense fire from the enemy. He recieved the NAvy Medal of Honor. -
WW II- Clarence Craft
He hurled two cases of grenades silenceing the enemy letting his company advance. He got the Army Medal for this.