Mark zuckerberg

  • born

    Mark Zuckerberg born on May 14, 1984, in New York.
  • Raise

    Raised in a well-educated family. His father ran a dental place. His mother was a psychiatrist.
  • Interest

    Mark Zuckerberg had interest in an early age. When he was about 12, he used Atari BASIC to create a messaging program he named "Zucknet."
  • Teacher

    To keep up with Mark's burgeoning interest in computers, his parents hired private computer tutor David Newman to come to the house once a week and work with Mark.
  • High school

    Zuckerberg later studied at Phillips Exeter Academy, an exclusive preparatory school in New Hampshire. There he showed talent in fencing, becoming the captain of the school's team. He also excelled in literature, earning a diploma in classics. Yet Zuckerberg remained fascinated by computers, and continued to work on developing new programs.
  • Decline the offers

    While still in high school, he created an early version of the music software Pandora, which he called Synapse. Several companies—including AOL and Microsoft—expressed an interest in buying the software, and hiring the teenager before graduation. He declined the offers.
  • Harvard

    After graduating from Exeter in 2002, Zuckerberg enrolled at Harvard University.
  • Sophomore year

    By his sophomore year at the ivy league institution, he had developed a reputation as the go-to software developer on campus.
  • Starting their work

    Based on Mark Zuckerberg's experience, his three friends and he started making a social network called the Harvard connection.
  • Facebook

    After some reputation they gradually made, they received a huge amount of investments, which later let them upgrade their social network, and started their real company.
  • Citation

    "Mark Zuckerberg." A&E Networks Television, 05 Oct. 2016. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.