Marcos De Niza

  • 1495

    Marcos De Niza was born in Nice, Italy.

    Marcos De Niza was born in Nice, Italy.
  • 1531

    Marcos De Niza started to accompany other voyages

    Marcos De Niza started to accompany other voyages
  • 1531

    He started an expedition with one of the slaves he freed.

    He started an expedition with one of the slaves he freed.
  • 1538

    He died because of his unhealthy diet

    He died because of his unhealthy diet
  • 1539

    He successfully went around the world but didn't finish his orders

    He successfully went around the world but didn't finish his orders
  • 1539

    he left the frontier at Compostela and journeyed north into the unknown for several months.

    he left the frontier at Compostela and journeyed north into the unknown for several months.