Marc Lepine

  • Date of Birth

  • Family Life

    Family moved back to Montreal, from Puerto Rico
  • Mother's opportunities

    His mother, Monique Lepine returned to work as a nurse, and began further courses to advance her courses
  • Family Issues

    Family spent a year in psychotherapy because of difficulties expressing and receiving love and affection
  • Divorce

    When he was 7, his parents got divorced
  • Applied For a Job

    He applied to join the Canadian Forces, at the age of 17, but was rejected during the interview process because he was “anti-social”
  • Changed His Name

    He legally changed his name from Gamil Rodrigue Gharbi to Marc Lepine, at age 18
  • Post-Secondary Education

    During the final term of his electronic-technology program, he suddenly and without explanation stopped attending his classes as a result he did not get his diploma
  • Applying to College

    He applied to study engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique at the Universite de Montreal
  • Working

    He left his job at the hospital and took three courses at CEGEP obtaining good marks in all his courses
  • Expanded his Educational Opportunities

    Began a course in computer programming at a private college in downtown Montreal, funding his studies with government student loans. Two months later he moved downtown to an apartment near his place of study and his mother's new condominium.
  • Beginning of the Massacre

    Lepine picked up an application for a firearms-acquisition certificate and received his permit in mid-October.
  • Beginning of the Massacre

    Lépine purchased a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle at a local sporting goods store.
  • Beginning of the Massacre

    Beginning of the Massacre
    Lepine was seen at least 7 times at the Ecole Polytechnique. He brought his mother a present four days before the shooting, though it was several weeks before her birthday. He had always been very punctual paying his rent, but did not do so in December 1989.
  • The Massacre

    Lepine walked into the university. He, entered a classroom where he separated the men & women & then ordered the approximately 50 men to leave. Claiming that he was fighting feminism, he shot the nine women who remained, killing 6 & injuring the rest. After this, Lépine moved to other areas of the building (cafeteria, other classrooms). A total of 14 women (12 engineering students, 1 nursing student, & 1 employee) were killed, & 4 men & 10 women injured before Lépine turned the gun on himself.
  • Wrote his Suicide Note

    Wrote his Suicide Note