Management Theories Timeline

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Scientific Management first brainstormed during the year 1909.It eventually evolved into individually analyzing each part of a business in order to see what was the most productive way to get a task done. This can still be seen in companies today in the shape of specialized jobs that accomplish specific tasks in a workplace.
  • Decentralization Management

    Decentralization Management
    The transfer of control of an activity or organization to several local offices or authorities rather than one single one. 1920 The authority is spread out and everyone has multiple jobs to do. Decentralization is more teamwork than anything.
  • Centralization Management

    Centralization Management
    The concentration of control of an activity or organization under single authority. 1921 That the CEO is the authority. It is a Top-down communication. Classic hierarchy management and division of labor Controlled and stable poor upward communication.
  • Human Relations Management

    Human Relations Management
    Definition: a belief that people desire to be part of a supportive team that helps make development and growth 1924-1932
    Why:It helps with employee productivity while also helping with motivation increase through positive social bonds in the workplace
  • Principals of Administration Management

    Principals of Administration Management
    Description: Administrative management theory is also considered the “plan” to help organize and control the operations of the basic elements of people, material, machines,methods, money, markets, providing direction and coordination while giving leadership to human efforts 1927-1937
    Why: Helps to find a rational way to organize as a whole
  • Hierarchy of Needs Management

    Hierarchy of Needs Management
    Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was first introduced in his paper titled “A Theory of Human Motivation” that was published in 1943. This hierarchy of needs theory states that a worker must have their base needs satisfied in order to become a productive worker. This base needs include food, shelter, and security. Once these needs are met, other needs must be met such as recognition and self actualization
  • TQM Management

    TQM Management
    Definition: every staff member must be committed to maintaining high standards of work in every of a company's operations. 1950-1960
    Why: It helps provide that the quality assurance that customers will get what they expect and deserve as a customer so no one is unsatisfied
  • Theory X Management

    Theory X Management
    This is the theory created by McGregor where people do not like work, have little intent, and are reluctant to take responsibility unless they are supervised or encouraged by payment. This helps to organize workers and to work with them and provide an environment that works the best for them. This changes management by giving these workers a category, so you know how to work well with them.
  • Theory y

    Theory y
    This is considered a participative management style created by McGregor where workers participate, accept responsibility, have a strong sense of self-control, and effort. This contrasts with Theory X to generate two different expectations that managers have on their employees. This theory along with theory y, are motivational theories that influence employees in different ways.
  • Theroy z

    Theroy z
    This theory, created by Dr.William Ouchi, is a theory based on American and Japanese management ideas that highlights the importance of focusing on the well-being of employees. This is a motivational theory that motivates employees by providing benefits for their needs on and off the job. It helped to discourage the employees from leaving, productivity rates increase, and workers are more committed.