Management Project

  • Scientific Managment

    Scientific Managment
    Scientific management is a form of management where improving efficiency is key. It was created by Frederick Winslow Taylor.
  • Total Quality Managment (TQM)

    Total Quality Managment (TQM)
    TQM is a form of management where everyone in the business worked together and shared a common goal. TQM was created by W. Edwards Deming
  • Decentralization

    When the authority to make decisions is spread out between the organization.
  • Centralization

    The authority to make decisions when it's NOT spread throughout the organization, usually a small group of people.
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Hierarchy of Needs
    A theory that was created to introduce the 5 things that motivate people to do things. Those five things are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, and self actualization. Maslow created the Hierarchy of Needs
  • Theory X

    Theory X
    Theory X is a theory where managers think that their employees dislike their job and are unmotivated to do their job. Douglas McGregor created Theory X.
  • Theory Y

    Theory Y
    Theory Y is a theory where managers believe that their employees like their job and are motivated to do their job. Douglas also created Theory Y.
  • Theory Z

    Theory Z
    Theory z is the theory that focuses on employee loyalty by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee, both on and off the job.