Progressive era
The progressive Era was a period of Social activism and political reform. progressives also sought regualtion of monopolic trust which means to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. They did this by eliminating corruption in government by undercutting political machines. Progressives supported prohibiton in order to destroy the power of local bosses -
scientific management
A man by the name of Federick W. Taylor a mechanical engineer who believed that it was managments task to design jobs. These jobs would would be designed properly to provide incentives for workers to achieve higher productivity. Taylors scientific management changed the role of managers rom being run of the mill men to specialized forema who were equipped to supervise production process. -
Forest Fire protection
During the summer of 1910, in the West conditons were extremely dry and widespread fires and burned over 3 million acres. 78 forest firefighters lost there lives trying to protect the national forest. During this era the Forest Service also began several important programs to better manage the national forests. These include a system of basic and applied research, timber management, recreation, and highways to better provide to the forests. -
Henry Ford
Henry Ford was an American Industrialist and the founder of Ford Motor Company. He did not invent the automobile or the way it was put together but he did invent the first automobile many Americans could afford. He also doubled factory wages and shortened the workday to be eight hours, allowing the employees to become customers. Today a regular shift is 8 hrs and it is cool to learn it came all the way from 1910 -
National Hockey League
The National Hockey League was organized on November 26th, 1917. A lot of you wouldn't think this has anything do with management but it does. It began with 4 teams all based in Canada. Now a days the league has 30 active teams. Every team has a certain number of players, a couple coaches and a manger. Without the manager the team would be nothing. He is in charge of everything and this is where management comes in. Throught out the years it has all changed due to managing the teams and rules. -
Participatory management
Participatory management is the practice of empowering of empowering employees to participate in organizational decision making. This grew out of the human relations movement in the 1920's. Even though the managers still make the final decision, participatory management allowed employees to speak up. Every company wants employess to be safe and speak up and this allows them to. -
Human Relations Movement
The human relations movement refers to the behavior of people in groups research by professionals. It originated during the Hawthorne studies. The Hawthorne studies examines social relations, movement, and employee satisfaction during work productivity. This started so long ago and is still being used today. All companies get into groups and discuss what they need and get the best ideas from group work. -
classical management
The industrial revolution was a time where innovation really began to change the way the products were produced and sold. Alot of things increased but one of the biggest is the invention of new machines to produce goods. From 1900-1930 was the biggest time new machines were being invented. With all of this happening factories got bigger and managers began searching ways for lower cost, increase product quality, and relationships to better the company. -
Administrative Behavior
This was a book written by Herbert A. Simon and the first copy was published in 1947. The main point of the book is that decision making is the heart of administration and the theory of it must be derived from logic and psychology of human choice. This book was voted the 5th most influential books of management. This book was written long ago and has been modified for today and still teaches people about management and is helpful. -
Business Cycles
We analyze the long-run trends in executive compensation through our business cycles. It all started with a dataset that lead back into the 1940's and is still present to this day. While this has changed and became better overtime an interesting fact is the relationship between pay and firm size has remained stable. -
Managment Information Services
The findings indicate that the largest beneficiaries of federal energy incentives have been oil and gas. Recieving more than half of all incentives provided since 1950. MISI is an internationall recognized economic based research firm with expertise on a wide range of cpmplex issues. These include electricty, energy, and the government. This company has assisted hundreds of clients and will continue to grow. -
Marketing Myopia
Marketing Myopia is an important paper written by Theodore Levitt. This paper was first written in 1960. The main topic of this paper was how to improve your business. Levitt's suggesting in the paper was businesses will do better in the long run if they concentrate on meeting customer needs, rather than on selling product. If a business understands what the customers want they will end up selling more product as well. -
Taxes Management Act
The taxes Management Act was an act to consolidate certain of the eactments relating to income tax, captial gains tax and corporation tax. including certain enactments relating also to other taxes. This began in 1970 on March 12th. This is all under the care of the management of the commisioners of the board. This is described as management because people came together to make this act happen and have legal rights for people. -
The first laptop was invented in 1979. GRiD systems corporation helped improve the design. They were mostly sold to the US Military and NASA. A laptop is a computer which is easy to carry around. The laptop is user friendly and can be folded in half for easier transportation. Everyone knows in todays world everyone is doing there work on the go and with a standard computer you would not be able to. laptops have gotten better since 1979 and who knows what the future will bring. -
Information technology
This technology is composed of several related parts. The technology includes processing large amounts of information rapidly and on high speed computers. Information technology is likely to have its greatest impact on middle and top management. overall information technology has made management a lot easier with its new programs and is still rising to beome better and bigger. -
Core Competency
The core competency is a concept in managment theory. A specific set of skills or production techniques that deliver value to a customer is what core competency is. By being able to do this it allows the comany to have a wide variety of markets. Over the period of time core competency is continiously improving and will keep improving in the future. -
Analytics is the discovery and communication of patterns in data. Companies commonly apply analytics to business date all the time. they analyze there data and by doing that it helps to imprve there business. Analyzing before hand used to be tough but now we have all this new equipment that makes analyzing easier and more affective. Analyzing everything improves your business very much so. -
Social Media
Social Media is a big bart of businees and management. Social media has started awhile back but now a days it is unreal how much it has increased. Managers can go on social media and find out anything about their employees if they are on socal media. Social media is huge for marketing as well. Advertising is all over the media and helps businesses get their name out there. -
Management Styles
Managers perform many different roles in their organization. The certain style they perform depends on what kind of manager they are. There are two main type of styles, the first is autocratic and the second is permissive. In autocratic the leader makes all the decisions. In permissive the leader will set up groups and out you in those groups to help them make the decision. Any type of managment will work as long as your company is succesful. it has changed since 1890 and will keeo changing. -
Financial Advisors
Finacial Advisors are a big part of our world today. People might not think it has anything to do with management but it does. Everyday a Financial advisor is dealing with money and not only just money but your money. You are putting your money in the hands of another person to manage your money. Financial advisors are a big part today and you have to trust someone in order to make more money in the long run wether its for you or your business.