Major World Events related to History of Management

  • World War 1

    World War 1 would have affected and used a lot of management theories. Scientific Management would have been used to select soldiers and to put them in certain departments or give certain roles to people, etc. At least one or more of the 14 Adminstive principles would have played a role in someone's life during this time.
  • Great Depression

    It was very hard to build a business and even keep one going which is why principles like Bureaucratic Organization and Follett’s Organizations as Communities would have been affected by the Great Depression. Bureaucratic Organization was affected since it was hard to build and even try to keep a business/ organization at this time it would have meant lots of people with jobs would have become unemployed, affecting Follett’s Organizations as Communities since people were losing their jobs.
  • World War 2

    World Wars 2 and 1 would have been affected by the same theories. In a way when it comes to people both Argyris’s Theory of Adult Personality and Hawthorne's Studies since they are related to how people treat others and how they look at people, whether it be relationships with people/ countries or the mentality and personality of someone else.
  • Cold War

    Quality Management in the Cold War would have been beneficial since the "Shewhart's methods" were war manufacturing during World War II, so they probably would have used them in the Cold War too. This helped statistical process control and helped the armed forces speed up inspections without sacrificing safety during these periods.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    This is a very important event in history and is related to two principles in the same way. Both Maslow’s Theory of Human Needs and McGregor’s Theory X / Theory Y. Both are based on people's motivation which is what plenty of African Americans used to speak up and stick for what they believe in.
  • Sixties Scoop

    Contingency Thinking was used in this period, for example, the white people would have been the "leader" in residential schools so that their personality, as well as the environment in which they work, would reflect on the Indigenous people. Quantitative Analysis and Tools would have been used by the "leaders" from all of the different ways they tried to make Indigenous people forget where they came from and their own culture.
  • Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

    With approximately 11 million gallons of oil spilled into the water a lot of important factors in our lives are affected. Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning is a principle that relates to this event since it brought more knowledge to people on how important ocean life and clean water is. Evidenced- Based Management is another principle since people now have jobs and duties to keep our water clean and our animal life healthy.
  • 911 Terrorist Attack

    911 is probably the most memorable major historical event for people in today's society. With people having a lot of different perspectives in the 21st century, leaders across the world have different behaviours and do certain things. This is why some leaders are better than others because they adopt a modern mindset so that they can deal with the unique challenges of the 21st century. Good leaders also do what is necessary when they have to.