Louis XIV

  • Father passed away

    Father passed away
    Louis XIV dad Louis XIII passed away in 1643
  • Married Maria Teresa

    Married Maria Teresa
    This was his first marriage out of many and he also had many kids with multiple wives.
  • Cardinal Mazarin passed away

    Cardinal Mazarin passed away
    He was the true ruler after Louis XIV's dad died because Louis XIV was so young.
  • Louis invades the Spanish Netherlands

    He did this to gain more land and he accomplished this by gaining multiple towns
  • Louis XIV expands palace of Versailles

    Louis XIV expands palace of Versailles
    He expanded his palace to show his wealthiness and how he was an absolute ruler
  • Louis XIV personally leads arm into the Dutch Netherlands

    Dutch barely saved their country
  • Louis XIV supports the arts

    He glorified art during the renaissance not god.
  • Marries Madam De Maintenon

    The marriage was held a sectret
  • Jean Baptiste Colbert dies

    He was his minister of finance and helped prevent wealth from leaving France,
  • Louis cancels Edicts of Nantes

    Louis cancels Edicts of Nantes
    It protected the religious freedom of Huguenots