Louis xiv

Louis XIV

  • Birth of Louis XIV

    Birth of Louis XIV
    Louis XIV was born on September 5, 1638 at Saint-Germain. He was the son of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria. He was named Louis "Dieu-donne" which means "God-given".
  • Becomes King

    Becomes King
    He became king at 4 years old when his father died. He was unable to rule by himself because he was so young, so he had help from other people until he was able to rule by himself.
  • King Charles I Beheaded

    King Charles I Beheaded
    King Charles I was beheaded after being captured by the English rmy 2 years before. He was beheaded after he was put on trial for treason. He was accused of being a murderer, tyrant, and traitor.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    This provided the freedom of rworship for christians in all American colonies. It was passed by the Maryland assembly.
  • Marriage

    He married Maria Theresa, who was the daughter of Philip IV of Spain. He married her as part of a settlement by which Mazarin ended the Spanish war. He wasnt very faithful to Maria and didn't let "pleasure" interfere with his prefessional duties.
  • Ruled by himself

    Ruled by himself
    Louis was 22 1/2 when he finally had to rule the kingdom by himself.
  • London's Great Plague

    London's Great Plague
    This killed about 20% of London's population. It was the second, and also the last, time there was a breakout of the Plague in Europe.
  • France's Economy

    France's Economy
    His primary commitment was to restore the French economy. Because of this, war was caused. France's economy was halted and then reversed.
  • Pocket Watch

    Pocket Watch
    Christian Huygens invents the pocket watch. He was a Dutch astronomer and physicist who later invented the first pendulum clock.
  • Speed of Light

    Speed of Light
    Ole Rømer is the first person to measure the speed of light. He did this by observing the moons of Jupiter.
  • France's Government

    France's Government
    He made the government more efficient and comprehensive. Versailles became the seat of government and attracted nobility. The govenrnment collapsed again after his death.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    He forbade the practice of Calvinist religion and expelled all Calvinist pastors. He revoked the Edict of Nantes. He also forbade lay protestants.
  • The Nine Years War

    The Nine Years War
    He caused the war of the league of Ausburg, also called the Nine Years War, and France was taken away. France was in the possesion of Strasbourg, which he had seized in 1681. The war lasted from 1688 to 1697.
  • Paper Money

    Paper Money
    The colony of Massachusetts issued the first paper money in America.
  • Death of Louis XIV

    Death of Louis XIV
    He died of small pox, scaitia, and gangrene. He suffered for 3 weeks before dying. No one cared about his death.
  • Louis XV

    Louis XV
    Louis XIV's grandson, Louis XV, became King after his death. Louis XV ruled from 1715 until his death. He took over at 5 years old.