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Louis Pasteurs Life

  • Louis is Born

  • Period: to

    Louis Pasteurs Lifespan

  • Pasteur Goes to College

  • He was the 15th Out of 22 Students in College for Science

  • He went to the Ecole Normale Supererue

  • He Received A Master of Science Degree

  • He Recived a Doctor of Science Degree

  • Reported His Work to the Paris Academey Of Science

  • Became a Chemistry Professer At French University in Strasbourg

  • Pasteur Became A Chemistry Professer in Lille

  • He Discoverd Microbes

  • Invented Pasteurization

    He Discoverd That If You Heat Milk Over 130 Degrees Then The Grems Will Be Gone
  • Napolen Asked Pasteur To Make Wine For French Soldiers

    This was a great opportunity.
  • Napolen Gave Pasteur A Lab at the Ecole Normal Superieure

  • Pasteur made A Book Called How Beer Hurts You.

  • Pasteurs Death