Life of Pi

  • Piscine (Pi) was born

    This event does not happen in the book, but without it there wouldn't be a Pi.
  • Pi learns to swim

    Francis Adirubasamy, who Pi calls Mamaji, learns Pi to swim on his seventh birthday.
  • Animals are dangerous

    Pi's father wants to teach Pi and Ravi (Pi's brother) just how dangerous animals can be. To prove this, he ties a goat to bars in a tiger's cage. The tiger eats the goat in front of Ravi and Pi. Father made it clear not to mess around with these animals.
  • Piscine changes his name

    Piscine got bullied on school because of his name. Because of the bullying he decides to change his name into Pi. He finally stood up for himself.
  • Choosing a religion

    Pi stumbles up upon two new religions: Christian and Muslim. Pi is originally Hindu, but he shows interest in all three religions. The churches and his parents want him to believe in only one religion and want him to make a decision.
  • Moving to Canada

    Pi's family is planning to move to Canada. Most of the animals of the zoo are coming along with them.
  • Shipwrecked

    During a storm, the ship Pi and his family are on is sinking. Pi is put on a lifeboat with a hyena by the sailors. A zebra also jumps on the lifeboat. Pi sees a tiger named Richard Parker and wants to help it, but then he changes his mind and doesn't help the tiger. The zebra gets eaten alive by the hyena and later on the hyena gets eaten by Richard Parker.
  • Alone

    Now only Pi and Richard Parker are left. First Pi wanted to let the tiger starve to death, but he wanted some company on the lonely sea so he decides not to kill the tiger.
  • The supply raft

    Pi is a little bit afraid of the tiger and doesn't want to stay really close to the animal. He starts building a raft made out of supplies in an attempt to not get eaten by the tiger.
  • Taming Richard Parker

    During a storm Pi's raft gets destroyed and now he is forced to sit in the same boat as Richard Parker. Pi wants to become friends with the animal and gives the tiger fish. Now they are slowly becoming friends.
  • A tanker

    An oiltanker passes by and Pi tries to get its attention by using flares. He fails to aim properly and the ship doesn't see them.
  • Becoming blind

    First Richard Parker became blind. He didn't catch his food anymore and couldn't see a thing. Later Pi also becomes blind.
  • The Frenchman

    Pi meets a French man and talks with him about food. Eventually the man tries to eat Pi, but Richard Parker jumps on the man and starts eating him.
  • Vision returns

    After a while Pi regains his vision back and continues to float across the sea.
  • The island

    Pi and Richard Parker come across an island with lots of food and vegatation. This saved them from starvation.
  • Leaving

    One night Pi choses to sleep in a tree, but discovers a tooth in one of the plants. He then realizes that the island is carnivorous and gets off the island as quick as possible. This saved his life because one accident could have cost him his life.
  • The journey ends

    Pi and Richard Parker land on the shore of Mexico. Richard Parker runs off into the jungle without saying goodbye to Pi. Pi wakes up in the hospital and two men. The two men don't believe what happend to Pi and Pi decides to tell them a different story, one without the animals. They were replaced by humans.