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Leonardo Da Vinci

By Trong
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leos birth

    Leo was born
  • 1455

    He moves in with his grandparents

    He moves in with his grandparents (duh)
  • 1466

    Moving to Florence

    He moved to Florence with his dad to apprentice in Andrea Verrocchios
  • 1473

    He makes a landscape art

    He makes a landscape art, his oldest surviving drawing
  • 1488

    His first Anatomical drawings

    He made his first ever anatomical drawings. Drawings that are to do with body structure
  • 1490

    He considers making a telescope

    He considers making a telescope and ends up making one but it has poor quality
  • 1498

    He makes the last supper

    He makes the last supper
  • 1519

    Happy day

    Leo writes his will on April 23rd and dies on May 2nd