Wwii cover

Legacy of WWII Project

By blbrna
  • Alien Land Law

    Alien Land Law
    California passed the "Alien Land Law," forbidding "all aliens ineligible for citizenship" from owning land.
    This is important because this is one of the acts of discrimination done by the U.S. to bring down the Japanese. This could be one of the reasons that the bombing took place, Japan was tired of being discriminated against.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty of Versailles was created to punish Germany while still effectively meeting the original goals of the allied parties involved.
  • Hitler appointed leader

    Hitler appointed leader
    Hitler is appointed the leader of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party.
    This is important because Hitler was smart and knew what he was doing. He knew how to get to this point and he already knew what he wanted to do with this position.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    This is how Hitler got his way. He used his army to get the vote to give him full dictator powers. This is important because it shows how Hitler already had power and only needed an outlet to exercise it.
  • Hitler violates Treaty of Versailles

    Hitler did so by introducing military conscription. This is important because the treaty of versailles was put in place to end the war. By violating it, he effectively made a statement to start war once again.
  • Nazis order Jews to wear yellow stars

    This is the start of something fishy. It's obvious here that something will eventually happen to them, they are being singled out for a reason. Leading up to Holocaust, pointing out things like this becomes more important
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Japan bombed U.S. ships and planes at the Pearl Harbor military base in Hawai'i
    This is important because this is what set off the war. If not for this bombing, the war may have taken much longer to start or may have not even happened.
  • U.S. declares war

    After the bombing, the U.S. declared war on Japan in hopes to take them down after they took so many American lives the previous day.
  • Hitler declares war on the United States

    Germany felt that America had been treating them unfairly. Thus, Germany introduces the idea of going to war with the United States even though they were now at war with Japan aswell.
  • America's Direct Hit

    America's Direct Hit
    On August 17, 1942, America decided to attack during the day. Though it means their enemies would be able to see them, it also means that they increase their accuracy. Usually, people would bomb during the night as a cover but America went for accuracy over stealth. This is important because by doing this, America doing this got them a leg up in the war. Without this, the war may have been longer or America may have even lost.