Dsc 0041

TIME LINE OF LEADERS of the history

  • 356 BCE

    Alejamdro Magno the great conqueror of the world

    Alejamdro Magno the great conqueror of the world
    his father prepared him to reign, giving him military experience and entrusting Aristotle with his intellectual training. His ascent to the throne was not easy, his father exiled him along with his mother to consider him an adulterous son. His mother went into exile in Epirus and Alexander's friends were also exiled for a possible conspiracy. Philip dies assassinated, and Alexander seizes power, eliminating opponents who could claim the throne.
  • 100 BCE

    Julio cesar

    Julio cesar
    was a Roman politician and military man of the 1st century BC. C. member of the patricians Julios Césares who reached the highest magistracies of the Roman State and dominated the politics of the Republic after winning in the civil war that confronted the most conservative sector of the Senate.
  • 1 CE

    jesus de nasared

    jesus de nasared
    Jesus of Nazareth. Founding Jewish preacher of the early Christian religion, whom his followers consider the Son of God. The term, Christ, means in Greek, the anointed and it becomes a condition of dignity equivalent to that of the Hebrew word Messiah. It is the central figure of Christianity.
  • george washington

    george washington
    He was the first President of the United States between 1789 and 1797 and commander-in-chief of the revolutionary Continental Army in the United States War of Independence. In the United States, he is considered the father of the Fatherland.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    known for conquering and controlling most of western Europe through an advanced and aggressive military and alliance strategy. the proclamation of Emperor of the French and King of Italy, and even the establishment of his own civil code (the Napoleonic Code or French Civil Code), Napoleon was finally defeated by the Seventh Coalition at the Battle of Waterloo (June 18, 1815, in Belgium). A few days later he was exiled to the British island of Saint Helena, where he died six years later.
  • Vladímir Ilich Uliánov or Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (lenin)

    Vladímir Ilich Uliánov or Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (lenin)
    He was a Russian politician, philosopher, revolutionary, political theorist, and communist. Leader of the Bolshevik sector of the Social Democratic Labor Party of Russia, he became the main leader of the October Revolution of 1917. In 1917 he was appointed president of the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom),
  • mao tse tung (mazedong)

    mao tse tung (mazedong)
    He was a politician, the top leader of the Communist Party of China. and founder of the People's Republic of China. Under his leadership, the Communist Party seized power in mainland China in 1949, when the new People's Republic was proclaimed, following the victory in the Chinese Revolution against the forces of the Republic of China. The communist victory led to the flight of Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang followers to Taiwan and made Mao the top leader of China until his death in 1976.
  • Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

    Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)
    lawyer-activist, politician and philanthropist who presided over his country from 1994 to 1999. poverty and social inequality, and the promotion of social reconciliation. As an African and Marxist nationalist, he presided over the African National Congress (ANC) between 1991 and 1997, and at the international level was secretary general of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 2002.