Leaders Throughout History

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Martin Luther King Jr. changed life for all those of black race.
    Martin was very smart. He graduated high school at age 15. He was also very respectful and listened to others. Above all, Martin Luther took charge when it was needed to make a difference.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson was the first black president of South Africa. He helped end racial segregation in South Africa as well. He was in prison for many years, nearly escaping the death penalty. After prison, he became President. Nelson was brave. He wasn't afraid to speak up, and inpired many other people.
  • Pat Nixon

    Pat Nixon
    Pat Nixon was the First Lady from 1969-1974. She went out of her way to help victims of an earthquake, and she even went out of the country solo at times to go to China, the Soviet Union, and Africa. She was the the first of the First Ladies to go to a combat zone
  • Gerald Ford

    Gerald Ford
    As the 38th President of the United States, he was a leader in the way he was able to calm people and ease tensions with the Soviet Union and China. In earlier years he served in the military, learning how to work as a part of a team for the good of all.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States. He reopened U.S. relations with China and made headway with efforts to broker peace in the historic Arab-Israeli conflict. After his presidency, Carter built a career as a diplomat, humanitarian and author, and pursued conflict resolution in countries around the globe. Jimmy may not have been super confident in his actions, but he was bold and eager for a change. He was also optimistic and thoughtful about his actions.
  • Margaret Thatcher

    Margaret Thatcher
    Margaret was the first female prime minister of Britain. She was also a controversial figurehead of conservative ideology during her time in office. Margaret inspired other women to go into law and politics. She was a bold woman and was very confident in what she did.
  • George H.W. Bush

    George H.W. Bush
    George Herbert Walker Bush is an American politician who served as the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. When Bush was formerly Vice President, he headed the war on drugs. As President, he looked to reform education, making it more easy for everyone to get an education, giving them a better chance in life.
  • Pope John Paul II

    Pope John Paul II
    Pope John Paul II was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 1978 to 2005. He had a role in the fall of both dictatorships and Communism. He went and spoke to workers to ask them to continue working, as it's their human right. He was bold enough to blatantly declare Pinochet a dictator, even when he knew others were persecuted for less.
  • Carly Fiorina

    Carly Fiorina
    Although Carly was forced to resign as CEO of Hewlett-Packard in 2005, she became an advisor to John McCain in 2008. She also challenged many people for higher positions in office. Carly was extremely engaged and bold in her actions. She never gave up when being turned down.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    Barack was the 44th president of the United States beginning in 2009. He also represented Illinois in the U.S. Senate. He had many efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. Barack was brave and stood up for people. He strived to make big changes and was still looking out for other people.
  • Angela Merkel

    Angela Merkel
    Angela Dorothea Merkel has been serving as Chancellor of Germany since 2005. Merkel decided to make Germany measure up against the best. She said they needed to work hard and be innovative to ensure prosperity. She wanted the country to thrive, not just herself.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump
    Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States. Donald Trump went into his presidency saying he would create a wall and keep illegal immigrants out. He has stuck with it and is making efforts to build the wall though it hasn't happened just yet. His goal is to keep us safe and stable, and his determination to do so is what makes him a great leader.
  • Questions-Ellie

    A positive role model means that the person you look up to has affects you positively. Now, the definition of a positive role model has changed from someone who is kind, to someone who keeps a positive attitude while leading change. In the past, leaders may not have KNOWN they could be one, while we are taught each of us can change the world. It's important that the leader now has a positive attitude in order to keep faith in a job well done, and be cooperative, respectful, and communicate well.
  • Questions-Seneca

    1) A positive role model for me is someone who is kind and honest. They have beliefs that change the way they act for good-not bad. They are also confident with themselves and lift others up around them.
    2) No. All the leaders had the same qualities.
    3) Leaders from the past were able to make bigger changes and seemed to have more interest in others and their beliefs than their own.
    4) If you have a grumpy person, they bring everyone else down.
    5) Trustworthiness, confidence, and honesty.