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Ruth Comfort Mitchel
Ruth was a female poet, and is partially known for her poem
"He went for a soldier"
In the poem she tells the story a young boy going to war, and of how he gets disillusioined and finally dies. -
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Rupert Brooke
Rupert Brook is well known for his poem "The soldier" In the aforementioned poem, he tells the beautiful story of a soldier dying for his country, and forever living on in the piece fo ground he has conquered. He then proceeds to go to war himself, and it is an entirely other view we see in his later works. -
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Wilfred Owen
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
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Trench War!
A development in offensive weapons, that were not matched by a likewise development in mobility, resulted in the grueling trench wars of WWI.
Because the arms of both sides had grown so eficient, the defender had a large advantage compared to the attacker.
The resulting tactics were of fortification and attrition.
In effect, it became an incredibly slow war, were the soldiers spent years in the damp cold trenches, in constant fear of death. -
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Richard Hillary
Richard Hillary was born in 1919 in Sydney, but was after the first world war moved to Great Britain.
After WWII broke out, he signed up for the Royal Air Force,
When he was later shot down in The Battle of Britain, he managed to escape a flaming cockpit, and get saved by a passing boat. During the following period of recuperation, he wrote severeal story, for example "The Last Enemy" al describing elements of his own history in the Airforce.He died in combat January 1943 -
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A massive conflict in Europe, that resulted in 2 huge alliances, known as the Axis and the Allies. -
Warposters were generally used as a form of propoganda, mostly to awaken a sense of patriotism and bravery in young men, to convince them of joing the army. Other uses includes donating money, working harder and carpooling. -
The most well know D-Day is th landings on normandy, a grand scale operation by the allies. -
Death of Hitler
Cornered in a bunker after a lost war, Htiler and his wife shot themselves and their kids. -
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Vietnam War
A major cold-war conflict resulting in a loss for the capitalist world represented by South Vietnam supported by mainly France and the USA. -
Peace treaty in Paris
After the planning of the peace treaty, most of the american personell was pulle dout from the war.