Key Events In Management

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Frederick Taylor wanted to increase efficiency and eventually he came up with the time and motion studies and that turned into scientific management. This will seek to increase the productivity and has the goal of making work easier.
  • Monopolies

    Something like this will happen when the one-party maintains total control.
  • Decentralization

    The authority is not in one certain area. There's usually top management, middle management, and maybe a supervisor.
    The top-level management is going to delegate a lot of work down to the other workers.
  • Total Quality Management

    Total Quality Management
    TQM is a systematic approach to planning and has the goal of implementing a constant organizational improvement process throughout. Identifying problems and decision-making is a big part.
  • The Hawthorne Studies

    The Hawthorne Studies
    Elton Mayo becomes the first to question the behavioral assumptions of scientific management. There were many studies done that showed important results. The studies that were done proved that a human's productivity level would rise because these workers were working harder which meant they were receiving more attention. They also found that physical environments played a role in a worker's productivity.
  • Hierarchy of Needs

    Hierarchy of Needs
    Maslow believed that people had needs and these were in basic levels started at the bottom and went up. This was the grouping/ordering of physical, security, social, status & self-fulfillment needs.
  • Theory X

    Theory X
    This theory basically assumes that the employee at the job is lazy and does anything possible to avoid the work that they should be doing. The managers will enforce strict rules to help guide these types of people.
  • Perfomance Technology

    Perfomance Technology
    Tom Gilbert wrote that accomplishments are the best starting points for development. They're the best tools when it comes to wanting to enhance your performance.
  • Theory Z

    Theory Z
    This theory is based on employee loyalty to the company. William Ouchi invented this theory in the 1980s.
  • Ethics

    A good leader/manager requires good ethos. That is the spirit and moral nature of a community or individual. This has very much been used throughout the years.