kenjun kim

By s-mlee
  • parents death

    parents death
    kenjuns who lives in korea parents has been killed by an army of soldiers, he felt deprested and he has no money just a bunch of metals that he could sell, but he might move to America because its a free land with no law and they give free land, but he won't be talking not that many people there because he only talks to people that are korean.
  • come to America

    come to America
    When he arrive and get off the boat and he was really suprised that how beautiful the city looks in America and he thinks that America is his second home, it wasn't like this back in korea.
  • new business

    new business
    Kenjun bought a new business and he been selling glass and he's been selling the metals that he brought from korea, also he has been working in that business for 7 years and he has been getting along with the people there and he's in love with a japanese women
  • a men wants to buy his business

    a men wants to buy his business
    A man that he came to Kenjuns business hat he wants to buy his business because he Kenjun always do the work all by himself and he doesn't have any workers but kenjun said no, if he want that man to buy his business then the man have to pay him 10,000 dollers or higher some workers, son now he made up his mind then sell his business to that man and now Kenjun became a farmer.
  • he gets married

    he gets married
    After 1 year later he was married to a japanese women that heas in love with and they both live in a house with a farm.
  • new born child

    new born child
    Kenjun and his wife has a baby, they named him tom and in the future he is going to be like his father and tom will get along with asian and american people when he grows up.