468px karl popper

Karl Popper 1902-1994

  • Leaves School to Attend University 1902-1918

    It is known that Popper was bored in his early educational years so he decided to leave school, and enroll in the University of Vienna. He enjoyed attending his lectures on Mathematics and Physics.
  • Obtains a Degree 1924-1929

    In 1924, Popper gained his teaching degree at a time where teaching jobs were scarce so he switched professions, and decided to become a social worker. He abandoned his title as a social worker to attend a Pedagogic Institute where he obtained a degree in the secondary teaching level and then later a PhD.
  • Marriage and Publication

    Marriage and Publication
    In 1930, Popper married Josefine Anna Henninger, and published his first book " The Logic of Scientific Discovery" which was well received. Then he moved to New Zealand where he accepted a new teaching post.
  • More Books and New Position

    Popper and his wife moved back to Britain in 1946, and he accepted a new post at the London School of Economics where he was in charge of the Department of Philosophy. He also wrote and published two more books.
  • Conjectures and Refutations 1962- 1963

    Conjectures and Refutations 1962- 1963
    In 1962, Popper published his book "Conjectures and Refutations" which discussed the idea that nothing can be really be truly proven in science. He believed that "the truth of any particular theory (however compelling) is always conjectural and hypothetical, never irrefutable or concrete" (Parvin 18). He wanted scientists to invite others to try and prove their theories false, and for an idea or theory to remain valid for as long as it takes to falsify.
  • Retirement and Death 1969-1994

    In 1969, Popper resigned from LSE, and traveled with his wife until her death in 1985. He still lectured, wrote and gave interviews after retirement where he expressed his thoughts and opinions on various subjects. Karl Popper died on September 17, 1994
  • Pseudoscience

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X8Xfl0JdTQ This video is a great example of Popper's work when he spoke of what he called pseudoscience vs science. Popper considered the act of confirming beliefs as pseudoscience and disconfirming beliefs as science. Meaning scientists should try to falsify their theory in order to prove it.