Walt Disney World Opens
On Friday October 1, 1971 the famous Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida. Walt Disney, the founder of Disney World, created this magical world because he wanted to make a fun park where familes could spend their time.
The opening of the park drew in thousands of tourists. Orlando, Florida became the fastest growing city, which allowed big business to open in the area, such as Sea World.
Due to this event many new attractions were opened in Disney World, like the Tower of Tear, -
Walt Disney World Opens
and Space Mountain. Many movies were also made for entertainment. For many years now Walt Disney World is one of the most popular places to go on family vacations.
If I went to Disney World I would visit Epcot and Magic Kingdom. If I could change on thing i would go back in time and make sure all attractions were done so kids weren't so disappointed. -
Microsoft Invented
On April 4,1975 the world changing Microsoft Corporation was invented. The founders of this were Bill Gates, and Paul Allen. They founded the company in Albuquerque, NM. As kids Gates and Allen took great interest in this kind of thing, so they made it in their career.
This was an amazing achievement because nothing like this had been done before. It took are Capabilities and increased them greatly. Many people thought it was amazing and wanted to try it themselves. -
Microsoft Invented
This event put us in a different world. It cause many other things to be invented like Microsoft Windows. It made our world advanced and much more tech savy.
I would have loved to be able to experience the making of this major piece if technology, because it is what our daily life consist of in the 21st century. I would not go back and change anything because all our fails and successes are what lead us to today. -
Mount St. Helen Erupts
people died, some people stayed. Harry Truman was one of those people and eventually received a great deal of positive media coverage for his decision.
Since this event occurred we can now predict when volcanoes are going to erupt. Mount St. Helen has now become a tourist destination. Before it erupted there had been a lake near by, but was dried up because of the event. After decades the lake has reappeared and has become a popular place to visit. I would want to go back to see the eruption -
Mount St. Helen Erupts
but from far away. If I could go back and change one thing about the event I would try to go back and save some of the people that died in this tragic event -
Mount St. Helen Erupts
On May 18, 1980 Mount St. Helen erupted in Washington, U.S. A sudden 5.1 magnitude earthquake and eruption rocked the mountain. The North side of the mountain blasted out ash 650 miles per hour.
This was a very important and unique event. It was the only significant eruption in the 48 U.S. since 1915. It also changed the foundation of the evolutionary theory. It was a world changing event because it allowed us to understand the effects of catastrophic geologic processes. Most people fled, some -
DNA Conviction
The first DNA conviction was in 1986 when Timothy Wilson Spencer was arrested for several murders in Jarratt, VA.
This was the first time in history that someone was able to rightly prove, with a DNA test, that he was guilty. It was important because we were able to convict many other felons. We also solved crimes quicker than ever before which people were happy about because the real felons were convicted properly.
People that were innocent were exonerated because we were able to prove they -
DNA Conviction
were not involved with the crime. We have since then created a DNA Finger Printing Profiling, and DNA arrays. We have put the proper people in prison and jail and have a lower rate of the same person countinueously doing wrong. We have also over time been able to identify people with DNA, and dental records.
I would want to experience this because this was a thrilling time where the impossible was done. If I could go back and change one event i would try to make sure that innocent people were -
DNA Conviction
not convicted of a felony. -
Texting Takes Over
On December 3,1992 the first text message was sent by Neil Papworth to Vodafone network to the phone of Richard Jarvis. Matti Makkonen invented the text message and thought of 8 years before it was invented.
This was a very important time this invention made it quicker and easier to communicate with people. This was a unquie because before you had to call or communicate face to face. This event made it possible it have a conversation through phone when not with the person you need to speak with. -
Texting Takes Over
Teens now days spend a lot of their time texting on their phones. Some say that it has ruined the english language by using shortened word like idk (i don't know), or wyd (what you doing). There has been many wrecks from texting on phones, but it's such a much easier and quicker way to communicate.
I would want to attend this event because I want to see how much texting has developed over the decades. This was a life changing event for many different types of people like parents, business men, -
Texting Takes Over
or even people who like to travel and keep in contact with family. If I could change anything about this event I would try to prevent many of the accidents that have come from texting and driving. -
Now instead of going to stores millions shop on Ebay. Many local stores areclosing because things like Ebay are running them out of business. This is a different world to because you can post an item on Ebay and sell the item in a matter of seconds.
I would want to attend this invention because I prefer Ebay to local stores. Now people are buying and selling stuff online that they don't need quickly and easily. -
Pirre Omidyan's san Jose created Ebay in his living room around September 1995. he created Ebay to sell goods and services for individuals.
This was important because it made it so people could get online and order stuff right to there door. This was a very unique discovery because he was actually helping his girlfriend find other Pez collectors. now there are 162 million users, and over 800 million items listed. People instantly joined and put there items up for sale. -
If I could change one thing about the event I would want to change the organization from having to change the name of the app and the platform. -
Febuary 4, 2004 dustin Moskovitz, Mark Zuckerburg, Eduardo, Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes created Facebook. The Harvard College students created this as a tool to date girls. It was created in a week at Harvard College.
This was an important app for many different people for different reasons. To communicate, relationships, business, and journalism. It presents a unique marketing opportunity for the businesses through the creation of Facebook. Instantly 650 Harvard students joined the app. -
s that you can keep in touch with people all around the world. -
This app made it possible for people to contact each other instantly. Although there is drama on the Facebook app, people of all different ages can keep in contact with family with Facebook.
I would like to have been around to see all the changes made, because I use the app a lot to sell things, keep in touch with family, and just enjoy videos I watch. If I could change one thing about the app I would find a way to take all the drama out of it. The important thing about this app i -
On February 4, 2005 in San Mateo, California Youtube was created. Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chan invented Youtube so that there was a website that simplified the sharing of videos around the world.
This was important because people can share videos with people every where. The videos you can share on there are endless from daily vlogs to DYI's. Many people have been discovered like Justin Bieber and Jake Paul. People were in love with Youtube when it was discovered.
Many kids spend -
time subscribing to Youtubers channels. Many people also become famous from Youtube and even have created a job out of it.
I didn't start using youtube till a couple of years after it was made but I was alive when youtube was created. The importance of this app is that people can visually observe informational videos or entertaining videos. If there was one thing I could change, I would change the fact people can post negative comments on videos. -
Hunter syndrome
In the future as a doctor I hope to help find a cure for Hunter syndrome. Hunter syndrome, or mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II), is a lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficient (or absent) enzyme, iduronate-2-sulfatase (I2S). Most people with this syndrome don't live past 15. I know this because I have a close family member who was diagnosed with this disease at a young age. I also would like to help the family's who can't afford the treatments because nobody should have to experience loss. -
Get Ready
College has always been important to me and some kids are not prepared. I wanna create a program that allowed people my age to start in early on college. I would hope less kids have big debts, I hope there more prepared, and they have their priorities straight. I've always had these worries of how am I gonna pay, am I gonna be ready, and will I be able to keep up. With this program I plan to do so.