Argentine peron

Juan Peron

  • Birth

    Juan Peron was born on October 8th 1895 in Lobos, Argentina. “His family was of modest means”.
  • Early Life

    Early Life
    At the age of 16, the tall and athletic Perón entered military school. He trained as an officer, excelling in sports including fencing, skiing and boxing.
  • Peron Marries

    Peron Marries
    He married his first wife, Aurelia Tizón, in 1929, but she died in 1937 of uterine cancer. Juan Peron later married Eva Peron
  • Juan Peron

    Juan Peron
    Served as an attaché to Chile and traveled to Italy to observe the development of the Fascist state in 1938-1940.
  • Juan Peron Return

    Juan Peron Return
    Perón returned to Argentina in 1941, joining a secret group of military officers called the Grupo de Oficiales Unidos.
  • Juan Peron GOU

    Juan Peron GOU
    In 1943, he participated in a GOU coup to overthrow the civilian government, taking on the post of secretary of labor and social welfare in the new regime.
  • Peron Resigns

    Peron Resigns
    All three branches of the armed forces succeeds after three days of fighting, during which thousands are killed. Peron resigns and takes refuge on a Paraguayan gunboat. He subsequently goes into exile in Paraguay, and later in Spain.
  • Driven From Office

    Driven From Office
    In September 1955, Juan Perón was driven from office and into exile by a confederation of military leaders. He fled to Paraguay. Then settling in Madrid.
  • Peron Returns

    Peron Returns
    Perón returned to Argentina just after the March elections. In October, he won a special presidential election and installed his new wife as vice president.
  • Juan Peron Dies

    Juan Peron Dies
    He died on July 1, 1974, in Buenos Aires. His wife, Isabel, held onto the presidency until a military coup removed her from power in March 1975. He died of a Heart Attack