Joseph Stalin

  • Birth

    Iosif Vissarionovich was born in the russian peasant village of Gori, Georgia
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    Excruciating Childhood

    Smallpox left his face scarred and an accident left his left arm short and deformed. Because of this he was bullied and harrassed at school and from then on he told himself anyone that crossed him would be an enemy.
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    His mother enlisted him in a church school. He greatly excelled and earned a scholarship to Tiflis Theological Seminary in 1894
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    Becoming Unusual

    Stalins lack of money for tuition and political veiws caused him to drop out of seminary school and get a job as a clerk.
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    Gaining power

    In 1922 Stalin was appointed to the position of General Secretary of the commuist party and althpugh it wasn't much power he used very well.
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    Becoming a Leader

    With shuffling in the government and Positions being resigned Stalin was able to create a reign of power and terror.
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    Maintained Political and Economic System

    From the 1930s and on Stalin maintained his economic and political systems after putting them in place!
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    From Stalins reign comes much despair because of his extreme caution forced him into mass murders and assasinations. From that his wife killed herself out of despair
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    Chairman of the Councils of Ministers

    He takes on the responsibility and power of another position in the government to further protect his power.
  • Death

    Stalin finally dies from a stroke.