Josef Jacobs

By jadon2
  • Josef Jacobs Was born

     Josef Jacobs Was born
    born in Rhineland Western Germany
  • AirCraft

    on january 1 1912 josef jacobs became intrested in air craft technology. began to work and look for his furture in the military to work with aircrafts.
  • FA11

    On july 3rd josef was posted to a FA11, the FA11 was a reconnaissance squadron. this was josefs first squadron.
  • Battle

    in the air craft battle on feb 1 1916 josef jacobs gained his first victory ever over a french quadron. mthey were actually un sure who had won because of the lack of witnesses.
  • Official

    Josef jacob won his first official victory. he had shot it down a quadron by himself. the quadron on crewed its pilot.
  • Headquarters

    Josef jacobs was sent to protect headquarters. His entire unit was pulled back for months which became more time for them to do body guard duty.
  • Sickness

    Josef jacobs began to get sick with some type of virus. it was not dangerous or contagious. With him being sick it took some time from him to protect Charelville
  • Second W

    Second W
    he got his second victory in a short battle. he fought against a RIV caudron. the quadron was planing to attact a place he had been protecting so he took it down.
  • Third W

    He got his Third offical win. the batlle had 8 unconfired deaths. the battle took place in jasta 22 after the vicroty he moved to jasta 7 to work there.
  • Period: to

    Jasta 7

    in jasta 7 josef jacobs victorys began to rise slowly. for a longer duration of time batlles were coming all the time. when reachin the 24th vicory the battles had began to stop.
  • WW1

    After combat with the Bolsheviks. Jacobs briefly became a flying instructor in the Turkish Army. when he did that got got out of the military activity going on.
  • Period: to

    Hitler gained control

    when hitler gained conrol he wanted to completely take over germany. he also wanted josef jacobs to join him. josefs buisness could have help hitler alot. josef denied hitlers request.
  • 1924 ww1

    1924 ww1
    Josef denies to join nazi power. because he denied he had to move away taking his company to the netherlands. so his compay couldnt be harmed.
  • Company proctection

    Company proctection
    He had a buddy out in the netherlands that helped him quite a bit. His friend was apart of the military out there so he provided good protetion during the invasion of germany.
  • Postpone WW1

    Postpone WW1
    He owned his own buisness. his buisness was an aicraft buisness he loved alot. his company built aircrafts and fixed them.