Johnny Tremain **all events in book**

  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    British Parlament passed the Tea Act, which taxed tea, and angered many. This is important because it starts everything
  • Beginning

    Johnny was bullied and very full of himself, he thought he was the best. It is important because of how he is at the end of the story.
  • Job

    Johnny is a silversmith apprentice. This is important because it is his job at the time, and leads to a major event.
  • Hand

    Johnny injures his hand while working. This is important because it affects how things will turn out in the story.
  • Family

    Johnny goes to the Lyte's and shows them the silver cup, and is accused of stealing it. This is important because it creates a question
  • Searching for job

    Searching for job
    Johnny is looking around Boston for a new job, because he is not able to do his old job due to his hand. This is important because it leads him to several opportunities.
  • New Job

    New Job
    Johnny gets a new job as the rider for the Boston Observer, and moves into the printer shop with Rab. This event is important because it is a new part of his life and slightly changes him.
  • Tea Party

    Tea Party
    Johnny participates in The Boston Tea Party. This is one of the man events in the story, it creates further conflicts.
  • Continued life

    Continued life
    Johnny continues to work for the Whig. He also found out that Cilla and Isannah are living with the Lytes and that the Lytes will be attacked while at their country house in Milton. This is important because these events lead up to a further point
  • News

    Johnny finds out he is in fact related to the Lytes. This event is the answer to the mystery and ruins some relationships.
  • Lyte's

    The Lytes leave Boston to go to London until the rebellion is over. Isannah chooses to go with them. This is important because it adds to the story.
  • They are coming

    They are coming
    Johnny goes to Robert Newman's house and tells him to hang two lanterns, which means the British are coming at sea to confiscate the colonists weapons. This leads to an important part
  • Arrival

    British soldiers arrive in Boston as a part of the Port Act. This is the start of something important
  • War

    The first shot is fired. "The shot heard around the world" . It starts the Revolutionary War. This is important because it leads to the end
  • Rab

    Rab goes to Lexington. Rab dies. This is important because Rab was the one who got Johnny to where he is now.