
John Stuart Mill

  • John Stuart Mill's Birth

    John Stuart Mill's Birth
    John Stuart Mill was born in Pentonville, London on May 20, 1806.
  • James Mill's young self and the idea of how science was needed was for a change.

    He had a change in ideas and came to the conclusion that science was needed in order to change and better the social, political and economic development. He talked to the British people and tried to convince them of the change that was needed and continued to do so until his death.
    The following events described in this timeline was because James Mill had a change of heart about science, politics and the fundamentals he was taught during his younger years.
  • System of Logic

    Authored the System of Logic which in 1843. He wanted to show how evidence was important to confirm a conclusion and thought that using the laws of nature specifically through observation and experience can aid in the confirmation or show falsehoods in a theory. His book included four methods which are known as the Mill’s methods. The methods include, Direct Method of Agreement, Method of Agreement, Method of Residues and the Method of Contamitant Variations.
  • Principles of Political Economy

    James Mill also wrote the Principles of Political Economy in 1848. It talked about how economics was not a part of dreary science and what people actually valued with in the economy. In his writings he talked about saving the environment versus growing the economy and thought this would help the poor if we were able to minimize the over population of people, which were at risk of starvation. He wanted to work with the people and fix the current issues that people were facing.
  • On Liberty

    During this time James Mill wrote an essay titled On Liberty that was one of his most controversial writings. In it him and his wife thought that society was changing dramatically, and they were living in a mass democratic world. They feared that the working class would constrain those who were adventurous or shut down the people who thought outside of the box. He also believed that these people did not care for individual liberty but just for a prosperous one.
  • The Subjection of Women

    James Mill was ahead of his time when he wrote a rather radical piece called The Subjection of Women in 1869. He felt that, and I quote, “if freedom is a good for men, it is for women.” He used the argument that in order to know what men and women are different in, then it has to be done by experiment and women would have to be allowed to do everything a man does.
  • John Stuart Mill's Death

    John Stuart Mill died in Avignon, France on May 8, 1873, at the age of 66.