John Quincy Adams

  • Birth

    When he was born
  • School graduated from

    School graduated from
    Graduated from Harvard
  • Marriage

    married Louisa Catherine
  • Was a secretary for his father

    Was a secretary for his father
    In Paris
  • Started at Harvard

    Started at Harvard
    He started college
  • Legislature for Massachusetts

  • First child

    When his first child was born
  • Went to watch the Treaty Of Ghent get signed

    Went to watch the Treaty Of Ghent get signed
  • Appointed Minister of Britain

    He got appointed minister of Great Britain
  • Begin Presidency

    When his first day in office was.
  • End of Presidency

    End of Presidency
    The end of Adams term
  • Lost presidential election

    Lost presidential election
    Lost to Andrew Jackson
  • 9 consecutive terms

    Massachusetts Representative
  • Suffered a stroke

  • Death

    When he died, he died in the House of Representatives, he was buried in the family crypt. Died from a paralysis caused by a stroke.