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John Polkinghorne 16 October 1930-9 March 2021

By OwenB98
  • Cambridge 1968

    In 1968 John Polkinghron was elevated from the position of lecturer in mathematical physics to professor of mathematical physics.He was raised quite devoutly but never strayed from his beliefs. He equated that "faith seeking understanding is like the scientific quest".
  • 1974 Doctorate in theoretical elementary particle physics

    Polkinghorne went on to recieve an additional doctorate in theoretical elementary particle physics from Trinity College in 1974. He created multiple mathematical models to calculate the paths of quantum particles. Due to this feat he was recognized as a fellow of the Rotal Society. Shortly after, his 25 years of study would come to an end. He believed that he had served his time with science and wanted to step back towards his roots.
  • Physicist to Priest 1982

    John Polkinghorne was a theoretical phsicist and professor at the University of Cambridge from 1968 to 1979. Afterwards he resigned his position to seek priesthood. He went about this change so that he could tie science and religion together. A topic that comes up many a time with past philsophers that we have studied.He believed that science and relgion were two sides of the same coin and should not be used to contradict eaechother. He alludes to freewill and why its important to science.
  • 1982-1996 His time as Priest

    After becoming an ordained preist in 1982, he was assigned to parish in South Bristol. In 1986 he was made dean, and chaplain of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. By 1989 he was appointed president of Queens' College, Cambridge from where he retired in 1996.His philosophy was that science and religion are both limited in what they can cover, but both are viable options to expound upon one another.