Dalton john desk



    Born September 6, 1766, in the village of Eaglesfield, near Cockermouth, Cumberland, to a family of members of the Religious Society of Friends.
  • First Job

    At the age of twelve, he gets permission from the authorities to open his own school. During his fifteen years of teaching in Kendal, the young man not only trains hundreds of village children, but also educates himself in line with his curiosity and passion for mathematics.
  • School Life

    At the age of 15, he started attending a Friends' Religious Association school near Kendal with his older brother Jonathan.
  • Where He Lived?

    He remained in Kendal until he moved to Manchester in the spring of 1793.
  • Real Job

    In 1793, Dalton was called up as a lecturer at the University of Manchester.
  • Compression Of Gas Mixtures

    He investigated the ways in which gas mixtures could be compressed, and in 1801 he came up with a related law. He also found out how to specify the specific measurements of gases by revealing the pressures of water vapor at various temperatures.
  • Death