John Calvin

  • Jul 10, 1509


    He was born in France
  • Jan 1, 1535


    John was a law student at University of Orleans.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    He published the landmark text Institues of the Christians Relgion

    He published the landmark text Institues of the Christians Relgion
  • Jan 1, 1538

    He was forced to leave Geneva

  • Jan 1, 1541

    He was invited back to Geneva

    He was invited back to Geneva
    He became a Politcal and Spirtual leader in Germany
  • Jan 1, 1555

    he was given absoulte supremacy as leader of Genva

    he was given absoulte supremacy as leader of Genva
  • Jan 1, 1560

    John Calvin ; n his first five years of his rule in Genva 58 people were excuted and 76 people were exiled of their religous beliefs.

    In his first five years of his rule in Genva 58 people were excuted and 76 people were exiled of their religous beliefs.
  • Jan 1, 1564

    John calvin died