Jeffery Dahmer birth
On May 21, 1960 Jeffery Dahmer was born to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. -
Jeffery Dahmer surgery for double hernia
As a child Jeffery was a happy child until he reached the age of 4 when he had to get surgery for a double hernia. This surgery ended up changing his personality drastically he was less energetic as before and had no interest in anything. -
Jeffery’s youth
Durning his middle school and high school years his parents did not get along with each other thus making him violent and lead to him abusing alcohol. Jeffery in high school was very lonely and had very few friends it wasn’t until after high school when the murders began. -
The first murder
In June of 1978 Jeffery picked up a hitchhiker names Steven Hicks. Jeffery got Steven drunk and when Steven tried to leave Jeffery killed him by hitting him in the head and strangling him. He then proceeded to cut the limbs of Steven and take it to his parents house where he buried it in his backyard. -
Time in the army
A couple of months after his first murder Jeffery decided to enroll into the army. Jeffery was a combat medic in Baumholder, west germany. During his time there two Sounders said that they were both raped my Jeffery one was raped over a 17 month period of time while the other was drugged and rapped. The army never found out about this, but they did find out about his alcohol abuse and honorably discharged him. -
After Jeffery was discharged from the army he came back home to his father and mother. Later on that year Jeffery was arrested for disorderly conduct, thus his father sends him away with his grandma hoping he can get better. He was arrested twice while living with his grandma for indecent exposure -
The second murder
In September of 1987 Jeffery met a man named Steven Tuomi in a bar. Jeffery convinced Steven to go to a hotel with him, they started drinking and eventually Jeffery blacked out. The next morning Jeffery was lying next to Steven dead with his chest bruised and Jeffery’s hands were also bruised. Jeffery has no memory about what happened the night before and did not mean to kill Steven just drug and rape him. So he took the dead body to his grandmas house dismembered it and masturbated on it. -
Jefferys new apartment
Jeffery moves into a new apartment in 1990 which leads him to start killing more people. In two years Jeffery’s kill count went from 4 to 17, he started killing people in his own way by drugging them and then strangling them. After he has killed the victim he would eat a piece of their flesh. Then he would conduct lobotomy’s or Inject acid into the victim while they were alive. Lastly he would put the body parts into chemicals to dispose of the person. -
Jeffery’s arrest
On July 22 1991 Jeffery convinced Tracy Edward to come to his apartment and take nude pictures for $100. Once there they had some drinks and Jeffery eventually put handcuffs on Tracy and himself. After that Jeffery got a knife and pointed it at Tracy’s chest. After a while when Tracy has the opportunity he punched Jeffery and ran out the front door. He found police officers and told him what happened, the officers found the limbs and heads of Jeffery’s victims Jeffery was arrested on the spot. -
Prison life
In prison Jeffery had surprisingly adapted well at first he was separated from the other inmates but over time he joined the other prisoners. In prison his father sent him books to read about religion, thus Jeffery actually became a born again Christian and was granted permission to be baptized by a priest. -
Jeffery’s trial
In January of 1992 jefferys trial was started, but precautions had to be taken, so they separated him and the gallery with an 8 foot tall bullet proof glass barrier. At first he said he wasn’t guilty but over time he finally confessed to being guilty because of insanity. In the end Jeffery Dahmer got 15 life sentences in prison. -
The death of Jeffery Dahmer
On November 28th 1994 Jeffery Dahmer was put to work with two prisoners Jesse Anderson and Christopher Scarver. While in the bathroom Scarver had managed to sneak in a pipe, thus he hit Jeffery in the head several times he also hit Jesse and killed them both.