James Baldwin

  • Birth

    An important event that starts every person on this planet. James Baldwin was born on August 2nd 1924 in Harlem New York. His parents are Emma Berdis Jones and step-father or actual father David Baldwin.
  • Fireside pentecostal assembly

    James baldwin was a priest at age 14-17 at fireside pentecostal assembly.
  • Highschool graduation.

    James Baldwin's step father dies. He's struggling to support a very large family, so he's getting by.
  • Moving to France

    He moved away from America to not just be seen as merely a black person or just a black writer.
  • Go Tell it on the Mountain

    James Baldwin's first novel, which is about a young lad named John Grimes. It deals with issues such as religion crisis, race, racism, and coming of age struggle.
  • The Amen Corner

    James Baldwin's first attempt at theater
  • Notes of a Native son

    A collection of essays published by James Baldwin. Mostly about tackling issues of race in America.
  • Giovanni's Room

    A Book that James baldwin wrote about an American man living in france who struggles with his feelings for men, a particular man named Giovanni who he encounters in a gay bar. This novel brought homosexuality and bisexuality representation.
  • Sonny's Blues

    This is a book about some guy who discovers his brother got arrested for selling and using heroin. James Baldwin tackles a drug issue in this novel.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    James Baldwin was involved in the civil rights movement. He was mainly known for going and speaking to the south.
  • Another Country

    Another novel by James Baldwin that had themes of bisexuality, interracial relationships, and extramarital affairs. Topics that were taboo in his time.
  • The Fire Next Time

    Two essays written by James Baldwin that highlight the racial tensions in America.
  • Medgar Evers assasination.

    Medgar evers was a civil rights activist and a world war II soldier.
  • Blues for Mister Charlie

    A tragedy that James Baldwin wrote in three acts. It is based on a real life murder.
  • Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone

    Another Novel of James's that deals with racism, bisexuality, white privilege, among other things. It is essentially about a black man and his white partner.
  • Martin Luther King death

    The day he was shot.
  • No Name On the Street

    This is a book that James Baldwin published that is written from his own perspective of historical events he has lived through. Some of the important figures in the book that were very important Was MLK, Bobby Seale, Malcolm X, and Huey Newton.
  • If Beale Street Could Talk

    This is a touching book about childhood friends that dream of a future together. Unfortunately that future comes to a stop when one of the character is arrested for a crime that he did not commit. He doesn't seem to get out of jail anytime soon even though at the end James gives us a glimmer of hope that he will get out of jail.
  • The Devil Finds Work

    This is a very lengthy essay that James Baldwin wrote. He discussed movies and critiqued about racial politics in the American movie business
  • Little Man Little Man

    A childrens book by James Baldwin and Yoran Cazac.
  • Just Above My Head

    This is a novel about a group of friends in Harlem. Its divided into 5 books with each of their perspectives.
  • Atlanta Murders.

    28 humans were dead in the span of about 3 years.
  • The Evidence of Things Not Seen

    A lengthy essay by James Baldwin about the Atlanta murders in 1979-1981
  • Death

    He passed away due to cancer in Saint-Paul France. He will forever be remembered for everything he written and done in his lifetime.