Jackie robinson standing

jackie rosevelt robinson

  • Birth in Cario, GA

    Birth in Cario, GA
    He was born in to a family of 5 kids and a single mother. He had 2 brothers and 2 sisters.
  • UCLA first four letter sudent

    UCLA first four letter sudent
    First student to ever get 4 letters at UCLA. He got 4 letters for football, track, baseball, and basketball
  • Married to Rachel Robinson

    Married to Rachel Robinson
    Had 3 kids, 2 boys and 1 girl!
  • signed to the dodgers

    signed to the dodgers
    when he signed to the dodgers he earned 3500 dollars then every month he got a 600 dollar raise
  • made history

    made history
  • First game

    First game
    on the Dodgers
  • final game

    final game
    last game he ever played for perfessional baseball
  • hall of fame

    hall of fame
    He became on the hall of fame for being the first black man to play in t he mafor leagues. He played for dodger for 10 yrs. while he was on the team they won the world series. He's homerun record was 137 and his record for steeling bases was 197
  • death

    he died becasue of a heartattak in stamford. He died of great acomplishment. As being the first black man to play in major leage and serving the US army.
  • retired his number

    retired his number
    Baseball retires the number 42 at 9:22 pm at mets and dodgers game in the fith inning. No one has ever used his number
  • movie #42

    movie #42
    movie came out to represent Jackir Robinson