My life

  • My father was born

    My father’s name is Guilherme
  • My mother was born

    Her name is Sabrina
  • I was born

    My name is Bibiana
  • School

    I started going to school (oswaldo Cruz)
  • Moving

    I'm moved building because my sister was going to born
  • My sister was born

    Her name is Adriana da we fight for everything
  • My first cousin was born

    Her name is Érica and I call her “Minha priminha mais velha que já tá até usando bengala”
  • Dance

    I started practicing dance in a school dance
  • My cousin was born

    His name is Otávio and when he was little me and my sister usual to call him “Coisa Fofa"
  • The death of my greatgrandmother

    Her name was Enny. She died 1 hour before the Day of the dead.
  • Paraná

    I went to Curitiba
  • My cousin was born

    Her name is Olívia. She was born when I was 8 house away by bus from the city -_-
  • My cousin was born

    Her name is Helena. She was born while I was in my dance presentation -_-
  • Argentina

    I went to Buenos Aires
  • My communion

  • Fundação

    I changed school to Fundação Evangélica
  • My best friend

    My best freind called Laura was born
  • Naruto

    I started watching Naruto ÙwÚ
  • Today

    Today I'm finishing this