Israel timeline

By b0b123
  • 4004 BCE


    the earth was created in 4004 bc. the original creator of the earth and universe is God. this is special because he created us and we are very grateful for that. although some people don't have the same beliefs, it's true.
  • 2349 BCE

    the flood

    the great world wide flood happened in 2349 bc. God started the flood to exclude the bad people. but he let Noah and his family build a great ark before it started. God also told Noah to bring animals with him so the animals could reproduce and stuff once the flood is over (and for food)
  • 2166 BCE


    abraham from the bible was born in 2166. abraham was very close to Jesus, and he (abraham) had many sons who were going to walk in his holy footsteps as well. abraham is very important in the bible because he wrote in the bible. the book of abraham.
  • 1728 BCE


    joesph is a very important character in the bible. his owns brothers threw him in a well then put him into slavery in 1728. his own brothers! and then, i think this is pretty crazy, but the king liked him and then he became important to the king and then he got out of slavery! he then became a supervisor for the king.
  • 1446 BCE

    moses and the exodus

    in 1446, pharaoh took moses's people and made them his slaves. soon later, moses ws told be God to face the pharaoh and say "let my people go!" when the pharaoh said no, god gave moses the power to make 10 horrible plags to annoy and drive the pharaoh mad until he let moses's people go.
  • 1445 BCE

    the ten commandments

    in 1445, the ten commandments were made. here are the ten commandments:
    You shall have no other God's before me.
    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
    Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
    Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy.
    Honor your father and mother.
    Thou shalt not kill.
    Thou shalt not commit adultery.
    Thou shalt not steal. God revealed these ten commandments to moses, who shared them with the people.
  • 1406 BCE

    settling canaan

    in 1406, after moses led the children of Israel to the edge of canaan and following a subsequent probationary period, joshua led israelites through canaan's borders. they initiated their conquest through reconnaissance and swift military action, entering through jericho before going through the rest of the countryside.
  • 1011 BCE


    1011-971 BC, david took down the great galioath who tried conquring the city with his army, but before the battle could commence, the people needed somebody to take down goaliath. nobody stepped up until a sheperd boy named david said he would take down goaliath. he refused any armor or weapon, and he only took his slingshot. later, he headshots goalith with a rock and defeats him.
  • 971 BCE

    soloman and building the temple

    971-931. soloman was the wisest man in history, and the kings son. soloman build the first temple in jersalam for God. he was very determinded and holy.
  • 931 BCE

    the division of the kingdom

    1. According to the biblical account, on the succession of Solomon's son Rehoboam, the United Monarchy would have split into two separate kingdoms.
  • 722 BCE

    the assyrian conquest of israel

    1. Assyria swept out of the north, captured the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and took the ten tribes into captivity. From there they became lost (history)
  • 709 BCE

    sennacherib vs. hezekiah

    1. Sennacherib dispatched a delegation of high level military and administrative officials to negotiate terms of surrender and remind Hezekiah that Egypt been defeated.
  • 605 BCE

    daniel 605-538 BC

    daniel was among those of the first captivity, and he remained in babylon with many of the other jews even after most of them had returned to their homeland to rebuild their temple and nation. he was in babylon serving various kings through the seventy years of the jewish captivity.
  • 586 BCE

    The Babylonian Conquest of Judah

    1. after the conquest, the evil king was killed, and many of his people were exiled to babylon. The king's wickedness had accelerated the deterioration of the people of judah. He was succeeded by his young son jehoiachin, who continued to resist the babylonians but was defeated within three months!!
  • 586 BCE

    the exile

    586-536. the survivors of the conquest of jerusalem settled around babylon. the exile offically ended cyrus the great conqured babylon in 539 bc
  • 538 BCE

    cyrus the great

    cyrus the great was the founder of the achaemenian empire. his empire, stretching from the aegean sea to the indus river, was the largest that had ever existed at the time of his rule. cyrus pieced his kingdom together using a mixture of conquest and diplomacy, attesting to his skills as a warrior and a statesman.