Leaping Larry
Leaping Larry is a rockstar and he's dating roxanne, he wats buy the duncan's island. -
Duncan lives in a island with old castle in scotland with his dog jock and need to sell it. -
Mr Moneybags
Mr Moneybags sells houses and castles -
Roxanne dating leaping larry but she doesn´t wants buy the island -
Jock is a dog and he loves catching rabbits. -
Bobo is the roxanne's dog he has long white hair -
Jean is teacher and she loves painting -
Part 1 (1-7)
Duncan lives in an island with an old castle he lives with your dog.One monday morning Duncan gets a letter of eletric company Duncan's read: "Electricity from october to march: 5000.
Duncan decides sell your island, he telephones to Mr Moneybags. Two days later a rockstar wants buy the island and he visit the castle -
Part 2 (10-13)
Duncan,Leaping Larry and Roxanne they are riding the boat around the island. Jock sees a rabbit and jumps to hunting it and Bobo goes too. Roxanne falls form boat. Duncan can not sells the island. -
Part 3 (16-19)
Duncan is very unhappy. Duncan goes for a long walk with Jock and he sees a girl painting a frame and he says he has no money to pay the electric bill, The woman had the idea of inviting people to go to the castle to paint pictures