Louis XVI
Louis XVI succeeded Louis XIII to become the king of France. This was very important because Louis XVI was later known as the most known King of France. -
Date of Birth
Isaac Newton was born on January 4th, 1643. He was born in Lincolnshire, England. When Newton was vorn, he was so small and skinny that he was not expected to survive. -
English Civil War
This was the time period when the major English Civil war battles were going on. -
Care of his Grandmother
After Newtons mother decided to get remarried, he was left behind to be taken care of by his grandmother. There he was raised most of his childhood. -
New Amsterdam
In 1653 the region of New Amsterdam was incorperated. This was now one of the biggest growing cities. -
Entered Public School
At the age of 12 Isaac Newton first entered public schools for the first time of his life. By this time he was back living with his mother and her husband. -
Promising Farmer
When Newton was almost 16, his family thought he looked like a promising farmer. Isaac wanted to study mathematics and many different sciences and did not like working in the field. -
Trinity College
After trying to work as a farmer and not interested, Newton's mother suggested that he is sent off to Trinity College in Cambridge to study law. -
Binomial Theroem
He created the binomial theroem in mathematics when he was just 22 years old! He also earned his B.A. degree in 1665. -
British Royal Academy of Science
The Royal Academy asked Newton to demonstrate his reflecting telescope invention to them in 1671. -
Louis XVI of France moved to the palace of Versailles in 1682. This was one of the biggest places in Paris and covered over 700,000 square feet. -
Laws of Motion
In 1687, Newton published his book called "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica". In this work he introduced his 3 laws of motion. The name of the book translates to "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". -
Priests Law
In June of 1700, Massachusetts passed a law ordering all Roman Catholic Priests to leave the colony within 3 months. New york later passed a similar law. -
In 1716 the first bgroup of black slaves were brought into Louisiana Territory and this was important because it is a major point in American History. -
Newton began having major digestion issues and then blacked out, never to regain consiousness. -
Date of death
Isaac Newton died on March 31st in 1727 after experiencing major digestion problems and losing consioucness. He was living with his niece at this time.