The Discovery of Intresia
On May 17, 1787, Mark Intre came across land off the coast of America. Intre, an English explorer, named the island for himself. He named it "Intresia." Intresia soon became a small nation. -
Hurricane Drew
After over 80 years of the settling of Intresia, disaster struck. On September 11, 1867, what we would call a catagory 5 hurricane today struck the North end of Intresia, where half the population lived. 5 people were killed and 14 others injured. All of the population in the North moved to the South. It was the worst natural disaster to happen to Intresia....and the only one (so far)!! -
The Discovery of Gold in Intresia
After almost 81 years of settlement in Intresia, and disaster the year before, devestation was made up for. A man named Matthew Stewartson had a bit of good luck. While cleaning up from Hurricane Drew, he found a chunk of gold lying on the ground. He quickly became famous in Intresia when he told others. Others hunted for gold as well to find their fortune. It became the Intresia Gold Rush. -
The Discovery of Diamond and Coal
On March 25, 1874, an incredibly lucky man named Hans Gore, a miner, was helping to set up a gold mine in the North when he stumbled upon diamond and coal. Three out of four Intresians moved up to the North to find their fortune of gold, diamond, or coal. Many did find their fortunes, but most did not. -
The Civil War Part Two
by selling their own crops for really cheap. England was happy for the great deal and sided with China. Intresia City sided with the U.S. and Spain. The countries finally ended the war eight years later on October 29, 1885. Intresia City, Spain, and the U.S. had won the war. -
The Civil War Part One
The citizens of the city of China grew mad at the location of the city named U.S. They were mad that it was the head of tourism. Tension grew so much that one day citizens of China poisoned the water of the Ite River where the U.S. got their drinking water. What China didn't realize is that the Ite River provided the drinking water for the city Spain as well. China did think ahead and made friends with England- -
The Discovery of Oil On Land
On November 4, 1948, a man named Frank Gert was mining for gold when he stumbled upon oil. He quickly started an oil company and became rich and famous. He is well known through all of Intresia for his shocking discovery even today. Sadly, in 1961, when he was drilling, he was tragically killed when he fell in a hole he made when he was looking at oil he found. -
Oil Discovered Off the Coast
On June 9, 1979, a man named Derek Mane was driving his boat off the coast of Intresia when he suddenly became caught. He investigated what happened when he discovered oil! He is yet another example of a citizen of Intresia that became famous for discovering something. He became filthy rich and lived a long 94 years of a life.