Erikson Psychosocial Stages

  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Kenneth (35) wife of six years files divorce. He had dedicated his days to his work, rather than being present in his home as a good husband and father. His presence eventually would only bring anger and frustration to his wife as their distance grew too big. In intimacy vs isolation, the central emotional and psychosocial issue of young adulthood, in which the challenge is to unite the newly formed identity with another person in an enduring, committed, intimate relationship.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    Kenneth (40) refuses to offer additional financial support to his ex-wife for his son's musical ambition and passion as a pianist, despite his recent work promotion. In generativity vs stagnation, the central crisis of middle adulthood, characterized by two alternative, the motivation to contribute to the well-being of the generation to come (generativity) or focusing on narrow self-interest without concern for the good of others (stagnation).
  • Ego Integrity vs Despair

    Ego Integrity vs Despair
    Kenneth (65) is aware of his nearing death and constantly thinks about his regrets on his life choices. Most importantly, wishing he had prioritized his marriage, rather than his career. If he had, then perhaps he wouldn't be dying a lone, but instead be surrounded with his loved ones. Ego integrity, which means looking back on one's life and accepting it for better and worse, or despair, which entails regrets and bitterness about the course of one's life.