Important eras during the Scientific Revolution

  • 1600 BCE

    Isacc Newton discovers that light reflects from glass.

    Isacc Newton discovers that light reflects from glass.
    Isaac Newton discovers that light is made up of all of the colors of the rainbow, which are reflected by different amounts in a glass prism.
  • Isaac Newton discover Calculas

    Isaac Newton discover Calculas
    Isaac Newton invents calculus the mathematics of change without which we could not understand the modern world.
  • Johannes Kepler publishes his first two laws

    Johannes Kepler publishes his first two laws
    1609 – Johannes Kepler publishes his first two laws of planetary motion showing that planets move in orbits around the sun.
  • Galileo discovers Jupiter and its moons

    Galileo discovers Jupiter and its moons
    Galileo Galilei observes Jupiter’s four largest moon
  • Otto von Guericke

    Otto von Guericke
    Otto von Guericke builds a rotating sphere from which sparks fly.