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Important Dates for Letters

  • Period: 1800 BCE to 1900 BCE

    The alphabet was created

    The alphabet was created by the Phoenicians and was know to be the first American alphabet.
  • 500 BCE

    The First Letter Sent

    The first hand written letter was sent by Persian Queen Atossa.
  • Charles Darwin letter explaining the idea of evolution and natural selection.

    Charles Darwin letter explaining the idea of evolution and natural selection.
    He sent a letter to his friend explaining evolution and natural selection and he wrote about animals.
    If you want to read his letter go to
  • Girl writing to Abraham Lincon

    Girl writing to Abraham Lincon
    A girl wrote to Abraham Lincoln, she was hoping he would be the next president. She told him that if he grew a beard that more people might think he was electable. Once he was elected he got to meet the girl.
  • Pen Pal

    The term "Pen Pal" made its first caption by the Oxford English dictionary.
  • Letters sent to soldiers in World War 2

    Soldiers sent letter to their loved ones overseas.
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill sent a refusal to make a deal to Germany. He was put in extreme pressure to make a deal with the Nazi Germany to end the war. His own assistant wrote to him saying he thought Britain should use its "nuisance value while we have one to get the best peace terms possible. Otherwise after losing many lives and much money, we shall merely find ourselves in the postion of France - or worse. I hope this doesn't sound defeatist: I'm not that. Only realist."
  • Letter sent to the Birmingham Jail

    Martian Luther King sent a letter to the Birmingham Jail. The letter said "I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in a inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a dingle garmetn of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." He was released from jail, and Martian continued to take part in non-violent protests calling for the end of racism.
  • The average amount of Letters sent online

    In average there were 187 million emails, 18 million text messages and 38 million Whatsapp messages. That was just all sent in one minute.