immigration timeline

  • Period: to

    where he was born

    He was born in Myanmar state of Rakhine in a Muslim Rohingya family and his parents have already lived there for 50 years. He had a good life in Rakhine, his family was big and cheerful but he could tell he was different when he went to school and saw other people. People in Myanmar didn't like them because the government told people that they were Bengali which isn't true, they are predominantly Muslim which is an ethnic minority group in the Buddhist-majority country.
  • Period: to

    Where he was born - pt 2

    The government ignored that and told the citizens that they were Bengali which implied that they were illegal immigrants which people did not like. This led to them being called names including "Kalar". Although he was discriminated against and felt like he didn't belong, he stayed in Myanmar for 19 years.