
I Funny

  • Introduction

    I Funny a Middle School Stoy, by James Patterson, Is an amazing book. The main charecter is Jamie Grimm. He is a very funny kid who loves comedy. He has a step-brother, named stevie. He lives with his Aunt and Uncle in New York.
  • Car Crash

    Car Crash
    Jamie was ina a car with his family on a roadtrip. while they were riding on the wet roads, a truck came around the corner and had a head on colision with the car. Al of the faimily went to the hospital, and the car was totaled.
  • Hospital

    While in the hospital, both of Jamie's parents were very injured along with Jamie. After along time in the hospital, Both of Jamie's parents died, and Jamie was left paralized, and stuck in a wheel chair.
  • Comedy Contest

    Comedy Contest
    Jamie Grimm is in a comedy conest that his uncle, Frankie, signed him up for. He is very nervous at first, but then he thinks of some funny jokes. There were long pauses between jokes, so there was a lot of akward silence, but he then starded joking around about him being in a wheelchair, and eventually won the contest.
  • Comedy Contest Part Two

    Comedy Contest Part Two
    Jamie's step brother Stevie, started a roumor that Jamie won the first comedy contest because he was in a wheelchair. This roumor got to most people that Jamie knew, and he didn't like it. To prove that that wasn't the reason that he won, he sighned up for another comedy contest. Now that he knew what he was doing when it came to stand up comedy, he breezed right through, and ended up winning first place.
  • Bullies

    One day at school, while Jamie was at recess, he was approached by a bully. To try not to get the bully upset, he tried cracking some jokes. The bully seemed to be ammused, for a while at least, and then The bully started to get old of the jokes. Then, Jamie said a joke that the bully didn't like, and he Punched Jamie right in the face. But he didn't stop there. He pulled Jamie out of his wheelchair, and beat him up until his friends got their to help him.
  • Broken Hearts

    Broken Hearts
    One day at school, after Jamie won the second Comedy contest, he noticed the he had be getting more noticed by the girls. At recess, Suzie Orolvsky A.K.A. Cool Girl, walked up and unexpectidly kissed hi, and walked away.
  • Broken Hearts Part Two

    Broken Hearts Part Two
    The next day, After the whole Suzie incident, while at recess, Gilda gold, another Cool Girl, walkes up and kisses him in front of Suzie. That relationship didn't work and Jamie ended up single. Again.
  • Qualified For Nationals

    Qualified For Nationals
    Because Jamie won first in both contests, he qualified for Nationals, which was a big deal for himself, his friends, and his faimly. He not only wanted to win Nationals because he could say he did, but for the mystery prize.
  • Nationals

    It was the nigt of the National comedy contest. Jamie had been working for monthes freparing for this night. When it was his turn, he recited all of the jokes he had practiced, including one about getting the microphone to "Get on my level" He won!
  • Coming Out of the Closet

    Coming Out of the Closet
    After Jamie won Nationals, he made a very hard decision. It was hard for him, but he told everybody about what happened, and why he is in a wheelchair. It wasvery shocking for all of his friends, because they didn't know.
  • Conclusion

    In conclusion, I Funny is anamazing story, that sever seizes to make you laugh. The story seemed to have lots of mini-climaxes, which always makes you want to keep reading. When the book was over, I wanted to read more, and I feel that the next one in the story might be my next read. And in case you were wondering what the super secret prize was, read the book.