Sudan map

hystory of sudan to independence

By 2ne198
  • Period: to

    20th century

  • Pacification

    The British conducted a ''pacification'' campaign in southern Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. They used military force including the earliest arial bombing against people who often regarded the british not as their saviors from slavery but as a new wave of invaders
  • Tight axxes to the south

    Tight axxes to the south
    In the 1920's a series of laws, the closed Districts Ordinances placed thight controls on access to the south, the Nuba Mountains, Dafur and Southern Blue Nile, hose peoples- after ''participation'' - were now regarded as needing protection
  • United sudan

    United sudan
    In 1947 southern policy was abandoned after the Juba Canference organized by the colonial government, at which Southern Chiefs agreed with nothern nationalist to pursue a United Suda. A crash program of integration followed.
  • Free country

    Free country
    Britain and Egypt signed an accord ending the condominium arrangement and agreeing to grant Sudan self government within three years. The agreement also provided for a senate for the Sudan, a Council of Ministers, and a House of Representatives, elections to which was to be supervised by an international commission.
  • No representation

    No representation
    Southerners were not represented at the 1953 Cairo Conference on self-rule, on the grounds that they had ''no paty or organization''.
  • Independence

    Sudan becomes independent.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    Civil war begins in the south, led by the Anya Nya movement.
    Many people had opposions between the religions in sudan so the muslim north and the christian south had a conflict that led to a civil war.
  • Peace agreedment

    Under the Addis Ababa peace agreement between the government and the Anya Nya, the south becomes a self-governing region.
  • Oil in sudan!

    Oil discovered in Bentiu in southern Sudan. explorations had started in earlier years but then te discovery of oil finally came in 1978
  • 2nd Civil war

    Civil war breaks out again in the south involving government forces and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), led by John Garang. A second civil war begins because of the fight between oil and the conflicts still going on because the north wants to take advantage of the south that has more oil than the north
  • Sharia Law

    Sharia Law
    President Numeiri declares the introduction of Sharia Islamic law. The government kes in the islamic sharia law to the country of sduan
  • state of emergency

    President Bashir dissolves the National Assembly and declares a state of emergency following a power struggle with parliamentary speaker, Hassan al-Turabi.