Hunter Hulin's Narrative Project

  • Who is Thomas Todd

    Who is Thomas Todd
    Thomas Todd was born in 1852, to two loving parents. In 1835 his father Mr. Todd age Twenty-five travelled to the town of Moonlight Falls looking for a new start for his family. seventeen years later he and Mrs. Todd had a son and named him Thomas. During Thoma's time growing up more and more people came to Moonlight Falls. One of those families is the Mikaelson. Now the Mikaelson family was strange and Thomas started to know something was up with the mother of the family.
  • Getting to Know The Mikaelsons

    Getting to Know The Mikaelsons
    Thomas was very curious about the Mikaelsons, So one day Thomas, now a ten year old boy went over to his mysterious neighbor's house and knocked on the door. When the door opened there was another young boy about his age that answered the door. After introducing himself to the young boy, and boy introduced himself Thomas then new that the boys name was Timothy. As time went by Timothy and Thomas bacame very good friends. But it was only then that thomas learned the Mikaelson's secret .
  • The Mikaelson's Secret

    The Mikaelson's Secret
    As time went by with Timothy and Thomas being friends the real secrets of Timothy's family started to come out. Timothy had told Thomas that his mother was a witch in the dark arts of magic. At first Thomas did not believe that Timothy was telling the truth. So Thomas started rolling on the floor laughing at him for saying such a stupid thing. As Thomas was laughing Timothy was gitting mad and finally said, "let me go get my mom so she can show you herself."
  • Meeting The Mikaelson Witch

    Meeting The Mikaelson Witch
    As Timothy walked back into the room Thomas had finally stopped laughing at him. When Timothy stopped at the arch that led to the kitchen there was a slow shadow figure approching behind him, when the shadow figure showed itself it was a young woman only in her late twenties that had walked up behinde Timothy and said, " is that the boy?" The woman was beautiful she had long locks of dark black hair and her eyes were dark brown, an her face look like it was chiseled by a god.
  • How is This Possible

    How is This Possible
    Without hesitation Timothy said, " yes mother this is the boy who does not belive in your gifts." With that said the mother closed her eyes and chanted words in a wisper. once the mother opened her eyes there had appered to be nothing happening. Thomas looked at her with doubt. After about thirty seconds of nothing the whole house sounded in a woosh and as Thomas looked around every candle in the house was lit. After that day Thomas believed in Timothy and agreed to keep thier family secret.
  • The Plague

    The Plague
    After years of being friends Thomas and Timothy were both nineteen. When a plegue was going around the town of Moonlight Falls and slowly killing people in its path. One night in 1871 the Mikaelson witch casted a dark spell on her son for protection against the plegue. during that night Thomas and Timothy were in the living room when his mother called him in to her alchemy room. as Thomas walked slowly behind Timothy to the alchemy room his mother was already closing her eyes and chanting.
  • What Did You do to Him

    What Did You do to Him
    After she was done chanting her spell, Timothy fell to the floor with a loud thud the women told Thomas that he needed to leave that he sould not come back because now Timothy will be the most dangerous thing in the world. As Thomas ran from Timothy's body he turned around as he closed the door and that was the last time he saw Timothy. Two years later the Mikaelsons had moved a year ago. An One morning Thomas had just Opened the door and Timothy was standing there and looked the same as always.
  • Meeting Again

    Meeting Again
    A few minutes after taking it in that it was really Timothy, the friend that had left him behind two years ago. After talking for a few minutes on the proch he let him in to the house and started to explain what his mother had done to him. His mother had casted what witches call the Immortal spell. a spell that is a crime against nature in the witching community. this spell would enhance all human qualities. strength, speed, agility, senses, and the best of all the gift of never aging.
  • Becoming Immortal

    Becoming Immortal
    Not even seconds after Timothy finished telling the story, he flashed behinde Thomas and injected the vampire venom into his system slowly Thomas started to fade into a deep slumber. When Thomas awaked he felt different he was thirst but didn't know for what, as he went to stand up he not even in a fraction of a second he was standing up. Timothy was sitting at the table where they were sitting before. As Thomas got his head straight he asked Timothy what he had done to him.
  • The Feeding

    Timothy looked to thomas and said, "you're a vampire now." Thomas was shocked and furious at the same time mostly furious that Timothy turned him with out his consent. "Nightfall is coming soon and you need to feed.", said Timothy "feed from what", replied Thomas "from a human" ,said Timothy, you must consume thier blood if you want too live. Later that night after feeding Thomas knew that this was not the life he wanted.
  • Unhappy life

    Fastfarwarding to present day, Thomas had been a vampire for 141 years and cursed the day he had every been turned into a vampire. and finally had the guts to ask Timothy if there was a cure. Timothy sid"yes" there was a cure but only one dose of it and told the story of the cure. Timothy told why his mother made the cure so that if Timothy got tired of his life as a vampire he could take the cure and become human again. but there is a cost taking it.
  • The Cure

    The Cure
    The Cost of taking the cure was, wich ever vampire takes it wont be able to live off the age they left off it willbring the vampire to its real human age. The next day Thomas said his good byes to Timothy and set out to look for the cure. The Cure was said to be hidden in a deep cave where Timothy berried his mother. Timothy gave him clear instructions and 21 days later after taking off, and clibming and hiking the mountains for this cave. he had finnaly found it.
  • The End

    As Thomas enterd the cave and went all the way into the cave room where the coffin of the great witch lied there was a bottle. Thomas took the bottle frm the grasp of the cobwebs and spiders and took the cork off the bottle as Thomas was about to drink the cure he remembered all the consequences of taking the cure and fastly put the cure up to his mouth and drank it . After putting the bottle down his body slowly morphed into the shape of a 162 year old man and lived the rest of his life.