Human Relations

  • Classical School of Management

  • Robert Owen reformed factories

  • Andrew Ure wrote "The Philosophy of Manufacturers"

  • Knights of Labor founded

  • Fredrick Taylor created scientific management

  • Optimum Shovel "One best way"

  • Henri Fayol created Fayolism

  • Mary Parker Follett lectured and wrote about human relations

  • Scientific Management

  • Max Weber implemented classical form of management

  • Group Dynamics

  • Elton Mayo discovered that workers work better while being watched

  • Hawthorne Studies

  • Knights of Labor ended

  • Douglas McGregor

  • Transactional Analysis

  • Frank and Lillian Gilbrith worked in human relations

  • Theory X and Theory Y

  • W. Edwards Deming

  • Eric Berne

  • Carol Rogers

  • Conflict Management

  • Total Quality Managment

  • ROWE