soto human relations

By jsoto16
  • Group Dynamics

    Learning of psychological and behavior process, Understanding decision making, Core to understanding racism, sexism and other sorts of that nature.
  • robert owen

    stopped chil labor
  • Knights of Labor American Labor

    organization, Rejected Socialism and Radicalism
  • Henri Fayol

    Was a french mining engineer
  • Frederick Taylor

    part of the Efficiency movement in the progressive era.
  • Classical School of Management Selecting training

    Develop new job skills. The importance of Spirit of the employee
  • Max Weber

    bureaucratic organizations approach
  • Optimum shovel - “One Best Way”

    -prior to scientific management
    -became interested in improving workers productivity
  • Elton Mayo

    Believed in relationships that form in informal Organizations
  • Frank & Lillian Gilbreth

    were a married couple, lillian was interested in studying workers reaction working in stressful conditions. The mother of 12 children
  • Wagner Act giving unions members more rights

    Caused businesses to negotiate contracts.
    helped with the fire and hire solution.
  • Hawthorne Studies or Hawthorne effect

    Where by observing the behavior of the employee Motivation to the worker Production gained as Motivation did
  • Theory X and Theory Y

    -theories of human motivation
    -theory x-assume that workers are unmotivated and dislike working
    -theory y-assume that workers love work
  • Transactional Analysis

    -method of understanding interpersonal communication
  • Mary Parker Follett

    Taught how workers should be involved in desscion making
  • Conflict Management

    Process of limiting negative conflicts, Enhance learning, properly manage conflicts.
  • Eric Berne

    -best known as creator of transactional analysis
    - author of games people play
  • Total Quality Management

    Improving the the quality of the products workers. Developed quality control
  • Carl Rogers

    -was an influential psychologist
    - considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy
  • W. Edwards Deming

    -what ever happened in organization was more important than the product
  • ROWE

    Results Only Work Environment Human resource management. limited hours worked, significant freedoms
  • The Philosophy of Manufacturers - Andrew Ure