Hildegard von bingen bild g

Holdegard von Bingen

By vasy96
  • Sep 16, 1098


    She was born in the summer of 1098 in Bermeshein.
  • Jan 1, 1136

    Become abbess

    Become abbess
    In 1136 with the death of Jutta, Hildegarda de Bingen become abbess.
  • Oct 11, 1141

    Supernatural order to write the forward had visions

    Supernatural order to write the forward had visions
    Hildegard was hesitant to share her visions, confiding only to Jutta, who in turn told Volmar, Hildegard's tutor and, later, secretary. Throughout her life, she continued to have many visions, and in 1141, at the age of 42, Hildegard received a vision she believed to be an instruction from God, to "write down that which you see and hear.
  • Oct 11, 1148

    Foundation of Rupertsberg Monastery

    Foundation of Rupertsberg Monastery
    In the year 1148 a vision to conceive Hildegard makes the foundation of their new monastery Rupertsberg, to move the rising community of monks emancipate Disibodenberg. Despite their opposition, won permission from the archbishop of Mainz and work began. The community moved in 1150.
  • Oct 11, 1150

    Literary works

    Of Hildegard wrote religious works, there are three theological character: Scivias on dogmatic theology, Liber Vitae meritorum on moral theology, and Liber Divinorum operum on cosmology, anthropology and theodicy.
    He also wrote scientific works: Liber Medicinae Simplicis or Physica, about the healing properties of plants and animals from a holistic perspective, and Liber Compositae Medicinae or Causae et Curae, the origin of the disease and its treatment from the theoretical point of view .
  • Oct 11, 1150

    Musical works

    Musical works
    Hildegard wrote seventy-eight musical works, grouped in Symphonia Armonie Celestium revelationum: 43 anthems, 18 responses, 4 hymns, 7 sequences, 2 symphonies (with the proper meaning of the twelfth century), 1 hallelujah, 1 kyrie, 1 and 1 free piece oratorio (fascinating, since the oratorio was invented in the seventeenth century). In addition, he composed a sacramental virtutum to music called Ordo ("Order of the virtues" in Latin) on the virtues.
  • Oct 11, 1178

    Last battle

    The last critical situation that was faced in 1178 when it came Hildegard was buried in the convent cemetery a noble excommunicated. Having been excommunicated, canon law forbade burial in sacred ground, so he asked Hildegard to exhume the corpse. She refused and even wiped out all traces of the burial, so that nobody could find him. He said he had been reconciled with the Church before he died.
  • Sep 17, 1181


    Died on September 17, 1179 at 81 years old.